I'm not only a fatigued homeschooling/working/blogging mother of 6 mini-Infidels but I'm also the President of a local bank. I bet you didn't know that, did you?
Yes, we opened the First United Infidel Hair Bank about two years ago. Naturally I selected myself as the most qualified El Presidente to handle Hair Bank business.
Deposits have trickled in slowly but the hair market is a solid one that grows at a nice and steady pace.
Last week we decided to liquidate all of our accumulated tress assets. The snippets of hair weighed right around 2 pounds in totality!
We then transferred ownership over to the Locks Of Love organization so that our severed ponytails-minus the split ends- may live on through others.
That picture I posted in the sidebar of my curled coif with hair descending down to the middle of my back? Yeah well, as of last Monday, it's completely outdated.
I'm now sporting a sensible chin-length bob with cute little layers that curve around my face. My hair's short but there's still enough there to utilize as a privacy curtain so I can shield others from seeing me blush in an awkward situation emergency. That's a very important hair feature to have.
Not to worry, our First United Infidel Hair Bank may have closed up shop but the Severed Ponytail Society lives on! Us Hair-i-tics are intent on growing a fresh new crop of donations by the end of next year.
Cute sassy bobs! Amanda just got a cute sassy bob, too! Only she didn't have the required donation for locks of love! Yay Infidels!
How do you have the energy for everything you do?
I nominate you for president. Can I write you in?
I want to see a picture of elastic!!
I can't wait to see your new do in a couple of weeks. And I can't wait to see YOU for that matter! :)
How neat that you're teaching your girls at a young age to be charitable by donating their hair. And you're doing it by example by cutting your own hair too.
I think you're a fantastic mother! :)
I don't know how you do it, either!
My hair has never grown long enough to donate, sadly, and now I keep it fairly short. Probably just as well, on account of no-one wants grey locks do they? Or dyed ones, for that matter. LOL!
Very, very cute pictures!
You are AMAZING with all that you do! I wanna see a picture of you (face included) for once!
Locks of love is loving the Infidel family right now:)
if I ever go bald from some horrible disease I hope I get your infidel hair.
on a serious note, you and yours are awesome. go hair!!
I WISH my hair grew that fast! :P snot. :D
That's great! Love the animated faces on your kiddos.
I cut mine early this year for LOL too...but I am still completely traumatized.
You're the best kind of Mom.. you teach by example. You must be very proud of your crew.. and they of you.
Can I just put the hair into the ATM deposit?
One of the first micro-loan businesses started in the Phillippines was a woman with the brilliant idea to collect, you guessed it, hair. She sends her younglings around each day to collect hair from the brushes of her neighbors. She consolidates and weighs it and gets paid by the pound from a wig company. Really.
One of the first micro-loan businesses started in the Phillippines was a woman with the brilliant idea to collect, you guessed it, hair. She sends her younglings around each day to collect hair from the brushes of her neighbors. She consolidates and weighs it and gets paid by the pound from a wig company. Really.
YAY!! They look fabulous! And all for such an incredible cause...I love that!
I wish I was seein' yours in a couple of weeks...boo.
Do you really homeschool all of your mini-infidels???
I've always thought that you and your family were amazing so the locks of love is just the icing on the cake. I'm actually trying to stand growing mine out long enough to donate mine. I hope I can make it!
Your girls look awesome!! I've always wanted to donate, but I'm too impatient. I keep my hair short and for some reason they don't want my half inch clippings. Go figure!
How fun that you ladies are so hair-lific and can donate your locks. :)
Oh how I hate your privacy curtain! I will snip it off into bangs the next time I sleep with you...er...see you.
you infidels are so generous! i'm not sure i could ever do that. and i can't wait to see your short hair!
Very cool! :) You are definately full of life and energy. I wanna be you when I grow up...
Such cool hairstyles and for such an awesome cause! I agree with so many other bloggers..I wanna see a pic of you! :)
Fun stuff. Your girls look so cute in their bobbed hair. :o)
I didn't write this with the intention of glorifying us. Hair is a really abundant commodity in our house. Just ask our vacuum who gets clogged up with the stuff every time we try to sweep the house. Growing our hair out and donating it to a good cause isn't really a big deal because there's 5 females living here and we all have super duper hair follicles. We're not exactly models of selflessness but thanks for the compliments.
I'm feeling really guilty for the blog absentia but if you guys saw my cluttered house you'd understand. I have a countdown clock in the sidebar. I'm leaving for Seattle in approx. 8 days. I'm in panic mode because all I've gotten done is pulling stuff out and dividing it up into throw away/give away piles/put away piles. I haven't done any actual hard core cleaning yet and I still have to go to work every day for the rest of the week.
Stop! Ulcer Time!
I'm a fatalist and I'm scared that something will happen to me while I'm gone and then people will know that I had a funky, craphole house and they'll include that in my obituary or headstone.
Here lies Elastic........the crappiest housekeeper in all of mankind.
You'll feel better when you get to my house.
I had to double check my countdown clock. 8 days??
Holy cow, everyone wacked their hair! I've been debating...sometimes I like it longer and then the rest of the time it drives me crazy. It's just so HOT! I love the nice fresh haircut feeling where you feel so much lighter.
Well done to you and the girls EWBL!
Maybe I'll pass you in the airport, if that is your mode of transportation.
Your kids look great. Awesome stuff with the hair! We grow hair slow in our household.
Have fun on your vacation!!!!
Carrot, can I shave off her eyebrows while you cut her bangs?
What a great idea! I wish my hair grew that fast. I've been "growing my hair out" for awhile now. It still isn't that long. Sigh...
Thanks for guilting me into super cleaning my house before I leave. I was hoping to sneak out of here, leaving the messiness behind, but not now. :P
i'm just jealous of whoever gets the two pounds of hair...do i have to be actually sick to qualify? what about just in need of more hair on my head? i have a mean back-comb goin' on and would sell my firstborn for some of that hair......
I'm going to do this sometime but first I have to grow my hair to my booty because I look hideous with short hair. Yes, I'm shallow.
We homeschool also - and I CANNOT figure out how you homeschool and work at the same time - do tell!!
I love that you guys...ahem, I mean girls...do this! My cute nieces do, too! :)
So where's the picture of YOU and your cute little layers? I wanna see! I wanna see...WAAA!!!
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