How dastardly is this stuff? Secret agents should use it to pass along confidential information because it practically dissolves on contact.
Anyway, I'm utilizing the facilities at McDonald's and as per natural for me I turn around to have a gander at the bounteous waste swimming around in the bowl before I flush. I rationalize that it's a medical necessity to take notice of any and all things shooting out of your body. I mean, I don't obsess over it....it's not like I drag out my little magnifying glass during Potty Time to correctly identify everything I ate for dinner embedded in the solid chunks. I'm just a strong proponent for staying cognizant of your physical being because detecting a change early-on can prevent serious repercussions from potential illness. Aside from all that, bodily expulsions are just plain interesting. Why else would the 'Milk, Milk, Lemonade' song still make me have to entreaty the assistance of Kegelling to keep from peeing myself? So, upon my quick pre-flush examination, I noticed that the coarse 1-ply toilet paper had predictably disintegrated immediately and transformed into a mushy glob of swirling, white comma-shaped pieces ebbing and flowing against a pale yellow backdrop.
It looked exactly like a toilet bowl full of egg drop soup.
Fortune Cookie Of The Day: Confucius Say Tis Better Not To Ask The Origin Of Egg Drop Soup And Try Sweet-And-Sour Soup Instead.
Forgive my gross-out grossness. Having six kids has totally desensitized me to yucky things.
Ever since I started thinking about how much urine and shredded toilet paper looks like Egg Drop Soup I have not been able to eat Egg Drop Soup. Or even look at it.
Oh, don't make me compare your beloved nachos to a bodily function!
Actually, I don't think I've ever had egg drop soup, and now for sure I never will.
Urine fine form today, EWBL! ;)
I just want to learn that lemonade song, because I don't know it, and think it is probably something any self-respecting parent should pass along.
I'll never be able to eat at The Crystal Palace buffet again. Or at least not the egg drop soup.
Another food destroyed by the power of gross association!
Dedictaed to my dearest elizabeth-w....who will NEVER be able to eat a Tootsie Roll again.
Milk Milk Lemonade
Mmmmmm now I want Chinese food.
How can I be so grossed out and still be laughing?
I think this is just retribution for my lice annihilation post the other day, isn't it?
I still like egg drop soup. I make mine with chicken top ramen. I do not even want to know what that would remind you of!
It's so stinkin' catchy I'm going to have it stuck in my head now and I'm going to say it at a completely inappropriate time, am I not?
I've seen this post
somewhere beforrre.
Carrot Jello- That was all an illusion.
elizabeth- I know. I've known this "song" since pre-school and I still laugh. Remember that TV show Yes, Dear? One of the characters started singing that song a few years ago and I just about went into convulsions from laughing so hard. I blame my unstable upbringing for such things. :)
Bee- Why? You can make Egg Drop Soup right in the comfort of your very own home!
j-mom- Sorry. You weren't around during my really gross days here. I kind of worked most of that out of my system....but every once in awhile.....
jami- In the end there can be only ONE Queen Of Ick. I am that Queen.
Gross and funny - the best possible combination.
EWWWWWWWWWW.....EW ew ew...... and may I say..... EWW
But do you ever REALLY know what's in your food at a chinese restaurant?
Have you ever noticed the similarity between alfredo sauce and baby spit up?
There, now you won't be able to eat at an Italian restaurant either.
Ha It's just as well I never ate Egg drop soup or else my mind would ahve been turned by you! Still there are plenty of other things it's probably best not to think too hard about either!
Not grossed out--I had a kid who was a daily poop smearer--takes a little more for me. Just speechless.
We did go to Chinese tonight and of course now every time I see egg drop soup, I won't be able to think of anything but you and a toilet!!!!
the unexamined turd is not worth passing.
philosophy 101
lol I think I'm having a little deja vu here...
Although I though most people did not bother with one ply at home...lies.
One of my good friends, bless her heart stocks one ply at her house. I don't have the heart to tell her it's pretty much pointless. It's not like they're on a septic system.
I've known that song for.ev.er! I just don't think about it much anymore though.
I don't think I'll be able to eat egg drop soup again...
They finally upgraded to 2 ply here where I work.
There was much rejoicing :)
I'm sooo glad I got to see this scrumptious post once again.
I missed it! ;)
Dang it Jill! I'm eating fettucini alfredo right now!
I'll just have to overcome it then.
And I vaguely remember the "Milk, Milk, Lemonade" song. I don't wish to hear it again while I'm eating.
I like to put egg on/in my top ramen so it's kind of like egg drop soup. It looks quite like it if it's chicken top ramen. With noodles of course.
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