Buster's been busying himself this summer with drawing up rocket designs and then devising ways to build it and launch them.
Here's a sampling of some of his handiwork:

Many a paper towel tube and plastic bottle valiantly gave its life so that Buster could pursue the art of the perfect rocket technology.
And now? To infinity and beyond!........................
SO you're saying it's around 10 that they stop breaking everything they own? Good to know...
He's artistically talented even if he doesn't turn out scientifically talented. :) lol
Looks like he's having a blast(off)!
Tell him to he better not launch them through the roof of the house!
Just make sure he doesn't start blowing things up. Jamie almost died once but the good Lord intervened by stalling his car so he could not go to the blow-upsite. He later realized the amount of powder they had would have annhialated him.
Nice to know the Lord is looking out for idiots. :-)
Now that's the way I like to see recycling! Maybe we can just blast the garbage off the Earth:)
Go Buster! (Wow, that almost sounded like Ghost Buster)
Who needs toys when you have garbage anyway? My 6 year old has been tearing up cardboard and making himself cellphones and laptops....and then I throw them away.
That's one creative kid! I bet the 4th of July was fun!
Really cool rockets!!!
I didn't know you could go beyond infinity.
Good for him! Now a small cautionary tale for you
That's paper towel tube recycling at it's finest!
He should be very proud of himself...his designs are imaginative and AWESOME! :D
I was bummed that our computer crashed, our printer was 100% dead, and our monitor was 98% dead. Our friend was able to rescue the computer, but Kris Face had to go out and buy a new printer and a new monitor. Zach was completely ecstatic! He grabbed a screwdriver and went right to work, eagerly performing autopsies on our dead equipment! :0
Good words.
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