I'm practicing repeating the title line to this post because I can see that it's going to be the most oft-used phrase in the Infidel house for awhile. I know the truth of all things without even resorting to using my special all-knowing, all-seeing Magic 8 Ball.
The oldest Infidel daughter, Sunbum makes no secret about her love of Edward Cullen and now thanks to blog friend ALICE of the Honey Pie Manor she can proudly display her love wherever she goes! Yes, Edward is not only in Sunbum's heart but he's also now emblazoned across her heart (and chi-chi's) too.
I'm kind of a genealogy slacker- but to the best of my knowledge, we don't have even a drop of Cullen blood in our ancestry. However, yesterday, when the package bearing the name of Sunbum arrived at our house, and she tore into it and lifted out the T-shirt destined to become her main wardrobe staple- I could swear that she was sparkling just like a bonafide member of the Cullen Clan. It was a beautiful sight.
THANKS ALICE!!!!! May you only encounter vegetarian vampires and horny-but-harmless werewolves all the years of your life.......
*Now to figure out a covert and secrety hiding place for the shirt on Sundays so Sunbum won't try to wear it to Church!*
(And as a sidenote......THIS IS THE WORST EDWARD PICTURE EVER!!! The FUG......it burrrnnnsss. Picture courtesy of gofugyourself.com)

Who's Edward Cullen???
That is definitely the WORST Edward picture I've ever seen. They should have put Jacob in there.
just sayin'.
(Love the t-shirt!)
that shirt is teh best. She is sparkling in that thing.
I did finally read the twilight series. as unpopular as it may be, I'm for the werewolves
YAY Jean Knee!! Go Team Black!! But remember: Jacob is mine.
That is THE ugliest pic of Edward. So disappointing. :(
I am so.totally.jealous.
I love the scripting on that shirt!
Can't say as I would have the guts to necessarily wear it, but I love it!
Um, seriously. If I had any doubts that Robert Pattinson should play Edward, this picture confirmed it...it's horrific!
His hair is a la Cameron Diaz in Something about Mary and he looks like he took a role in flour.
I know he's supposed to be whiter than white, but honestly he just looks laughable there.
Me + homophones = Not friends
I want one of those shirts!!
As for the picture, yuck, yuck, yuckity yuck.
Awesome pics. And glad it fits. I know the masses are sorry it didn't make it to the grand blog re-opening.
Believe me, if I could have squeezed by sausage-like body into that shirt - it never would have made it to TX. ; )
Oooo...and whatever mojo you were working did the job. My new blog pic was OK-ed and I'm cracking the whip over my fresh college grad to finish my new blog look off!!
Alice is the coolest ever! That shirt completely rocks big time and YES you will have to find a good hiding spot on Sundays. Although there are sometimes that I would like to tell people at church to "bite me":0
Guess what? You are the winner of my giveaway!! Email me your address (if you still have my email) and I will send you your goodies....well I hope they are good;)
It's because I'm not Mormon isn't it? That's why I have no idea who Edward is?????
And the picture doesn't help me know who he is...lol
Well she looks happy wearing it! I'm out of touch I had to google Edward Cullen... I feel old!
Hands down, that is definitely the MOST ugly pic of Edward I've seen so far...but Bella looks dazzling! Yay for Sunbum. LOL if she ends up wearing to to church! You'll have some 'splainin' to do then! :D
Aaaah, just what I needed, a little taste of someone else's entertainment.
The shirt's pretty cool, Sunbum looks awesome in it!
I finally read the series after a friend of mine was always bugging me, trying to find ways to convince me to read the series...One of her tries was that my husband's name is Cullen, I finally took the time and I enjoyed them.
Since I am so far behind the times, I am clueless on the movie stuff.
YAY Sunbum! Cute :D
Go Team Edward!
(That picture is hideous...I shunnnnnnn it)
Very cool shirt! Good goin' Alice making us look bad! >:o[
Nah! I can't stay mad! :o)
Hmmm, I'm thinking they took the white makeup a little too far. He looks like Casper gone bad.
I love your countdown ticker. I was just in Value Village last night thinking of you.
yeah, she could be bff's with my kaitlyn.
i keep taunting her with "what's so great about edward, really?" and she just rolls her eyes and tells me i'm a dork.
hey, throw some pearls and some heels on and it's PERFECT for church ;O
At least this Edward is not as annoying as Eddie Murphy.
Just thought I mention that.
i think that picture of edward is disgusting. but sunbum's shirt is sooo cute! she looks so happy to be wearing it.
Ewww he looks like a corsp. They need to fire whoever did the makeup job on him bad very very bad.
Sunbum's shirt is very very cool!
come over to my blog to see how i just enhanced your life for ever.
you're welcome.
Thats so sweet of Alice! :) Sunbum looks so cute in it! I totally agree with the rest, that pic is horrible!
My daughter must be kept away from this post at ALL COSTS.
I think the E-dude would have looked better if they had just talked the actor into donating seven pints of blood.
Nice shirt. I'm really jealous of this "secret sister" or "not-so-secret sister" gift exchange you two having going on.
Hmm. Edward must've run amok of the Stay-Puf Marshmallow man. I'm sure Edward won, of course, but...well, it's left a mark on him.
Nice shirt, though. HOORAY FOR SUNBUM!!!
Too bad they don't have Twilight socks, eh, Elastic?
Wait--maybe they do--I should go check...
Hide that shirt?!?! Are you kidding me? It's totally church worthy.
He, everyone. Lori needs our help. She needs to meet Edward and Jacob.
Twilight. New Moon. Eclipse.
And Breaking Dawn comes out in 16 days.
I'm not loving that picture of Edward. But the shirt is awesome!
I traced your family tree back for you and Edward Cullen is there! You just have to go back to Adam and Eve...
Come to think of it, Elastic, we should probably introduce Sunbum and E-teen to each other. I'm seeing strong signs that they would really like each other. Just don't show her the shirt.
Gah, I throw up a little in my mouth when I see that picture. Does his pants unzip from the side because check out is belt...
Sunbum is one hott babe in that shirt. Alice is bomb dot com for sending her it!
Really? You don't want her wearing her newest shirt to church? ;)
I ♥ Sunbum...and her shirt is bomb! :)
I can't even look at that horrible Edward picture! :0
While I'm not a fan of their choice for Edward (even though I liked him as Cedric I wanted them to pick Gaspard Ulliel) I must agree to that being the most fugly shot I've ever seen.
Bella looks all soap-opera-ish and here he is looking like... well I honestly don't know.
I'm signed up to recieve 8 free issues of EW because of their partnership with papajohn's pizza (the $10 papa's card came in handy)
and this specifice issue is lying face down on the table due to sheer fuglyness.
I might want the shirt after the library finally has the second and third book in stock. I almost bought them (the books) but I don't want hardback if it's something I'm not 100% sure I like. But it's not like I need it since I'm super careful with my books.
So I don't know if I'm for Edward or Jacob yet.
When I figure it out I'll definitely be grabbing one. Kudos to Alice for getting Sunbum such an awesome shirt <3
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