Lately, though, I'm starting to think that my right butt cheek is desperately trying to send me a message through a fat tissue Morse Code system that goes like this:
Can anybody translate that for me?
My left butt cheek remains wholly silent. It very well could be mute but I don't know since I haven't had my butt cheeks tested for disabilities.
The oldest Infidel daughter, Sunbum, confided in me this weekend that she too felt weird involuntary movements in her right butt cheek. Naturally this led to a lengthy discussion delving into the deeper meaning of it all:
Sunbum: "My right butt cheek feels weird whenever you play your loud cantina music.....almost like it has a pulse.....pulsating to the rhythm of the beat."
Me: "Ewww, a pulse? That's one place you don't want your heart located- just think of the nasty stuff it'll pump through your body."
Sunbum: "True dat!"
Me: " My right butt cheek feels a lot like when I was pregnant with all you mini-Infidels. It's almost as if something is on the inside kicking and pushing and trying to get out. That's all I need is for my butt cheek to suddenly birth yet another butt cheek. I don't want another mouth to feed or another butt crack to wipe."
Sunbum :(Laughing Irreverently At My Butt Cheek Pains And Concerns)
If I ever somehow decipher the mysterious Butt Cheek Morse Code I'll post the key here. Maybe all of our individual butt cheeks are working as a collective with bits and pieces of a bigger apocalyptic message and we must work together to solve the mystery before it's too late!
I am so sending this post to M. Night Shyamalan for screenplay consideration.

I have a similar problem with my cheeks and I think I have decoded what mine are saying to me. "NO MORE DOUGHNUTS LADY! We are being squeezed tightly in your size too small pants because you are not willing to tell your stomach NO!" It's talking alright but I'm not so willing to listen:)
I'm not sure what your cheek is saying?
Dang no firstity first-ness
Apparently sunbum is genetically programmed to salsa dance./ Nice spin on the Romantics ;)
Email me! I need your addy.
I happen to be fluent in "Cheekish"!!
You might even call me a Bum-whisperer......but don't!
Your hiney is trying to tell you that you need more chocolate. You must eat everything in even numbers...two candy bars, 4 donuts..etc. This will keep you balanced!
You're welcome!
I'm thinking it was just some aftershocks from the burrito/sauerkraut combo earlier.
Twitch-Sag-Twitch-Twitch-Spasm-Still-Pulsate-Twitch is code for "get your finger out of the socket".
Do you find that your twitching correlates to a particular genre of music as well? I have no theories, I'm just curious.
Involuntary Muscle Spasms keeping the beat---pretty stinking awesome.
& very funny!!!!
hee hee..give birth to another butt cheek.
It's like the pulsing signal the aliens sent in Independence Day. Only through your butt cheeks instead of the cable tv system.
On one hand, at least we're getting the messages. On the other, this would be a really inconvenient time for an alien invasion.
Maybe you could send a message asking them to try back later...
My butt cheeks twitch after a long walk. I think it's my butt cheek fat cells rebelling.
"I hear the secrets that you keep" was my favorite part. :)
My booty does that sometimes but I never thought it was trying to communicate. scary
Do you drive stick shift? If you do, maybe all the shifting while on your paper route makes things get a little tense there, if you know what I mean! :) Otherwise I have no explanations! Except maybe you're being taken over by aliens! ;)
You set your cell phone to vibrate and keep it in your back pocket, don't you? ;)
Dan Fogelberg on your play list.. wonderful!
butt cheek pulsation is a delibitating disease. Ask your doctor if Butt-Numb is right for you...
Mine used to do that when I was Very Unfit! I guess it's a butt equivalent to the little muscle fibres throwing their hands up in horror at what they're being asked to do.
Oh no ... scary thought; butts have hands? LOL!
Loud cantina music?
Hmm, this is very interesante.
Try Huey!
Just when I think it can't get any wierder, you surprise me yet again.
hmmm I am not a member of this club. But if you know of one for eyes, upper arms or even the stomach let me know.
I feel so left out...I'd kinda enjoy some good butt cheek communication, and the dang things refuse to speak to me! :(
Sometimes my eyelid twitches...maybe it's trying to birth a third eye.
Hee crack me pun intended...I have to agree with Alice...since you and Sunbum both started wars in your tums, I think its payback!
My left butt cheek has been communicating with me since Scarlett was born. Not sure if it is saying "quit having children" or "get off your arse."
P.S. My hubby says "true dat" all the time and it makes me want to sucker punch him.
Since I would never want to deny anyone a celebratory platter of nachos...hi! I found your blog through Diesel tagging you for his meme that's not really a meme. I'm glad he did. Great stuff!
Btw, my 16 year-old daughter is in love with Edward too. She thought that shirt was awesome.
What a cheeky post!
I think that the right cheek is the dominant cheek. That's the only reason the left cheek is silent: it is afraid the right one will slap in into submission if it tries to say anything.
Perhaps the cheek is receiving transmissions from outer space. Or maybe it's just pickin' up on your satellite radio and tryin' to groove. Or maybe it's just trying to work something out. Something...gassy.
OR worse.
(I can't believe you posted about communication problems with your cheeks. Why can't I be more like you, huh?)
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