Meet my 6 year-old son, Logan. All I wanted to do was document my Melody's blissful joy as she realized her life's dream of winning the Sam's Cup Tournament. (That would be the Sam's SODA Cup) We rarely drink soda at home so when Melody slurped her first sip of Sprite mixed with Fruit Punch through the straw, her little face just lit up. (It was probably just gas) Of course Logan also wanted a piece of the Sam's Cup bounty hence his fierce expression and oddly arched Jack Nicholson eyebrows.

The only possible way to defeat a camera hog on the prowl is to use stealth and cunning. Apparently I lack both because my next picture attempt screamed out ABJECT FAILURE just like the first one.
Here we see Logan demonstrating his 'Give-Me-Prune-Juice-NOW' look.

I had to call in backup assistance to handle Logan. My enforcement team lured him away with the promise of cheese pizza leaving me just enough time to snap this lurvely portrait of Melody sharing her Sam's Cup Styrofoam Trophy with big sister Sunbum.

This picture is dedicated to Sunbum's online twin, Lauren Face who's visiting the not-fictional town of Forks, Washington (you know, where Bella and Edward live) even as I type this. See Lauren? You're not the only one who got to visit Forks this weekend!

Oh, that's funny! Yeah, every family has one! But, you know, while the posed and perfect shots are nice, I actually prefer the ones where someone is doing something unconventional or daft - there's action and life to them. I bet you'll love them too, with the benefit of a few years' distance! LOL!
There is also a Forks, Texas? Who knew.....
I'm breaking my theater rule and going to see that one as soon as it comes out.
And gosh darnit, if Melody isn't the cutest little thing I've seen. Send her on over for GirlChild to play with - they could be twins. Kinda sorta.
This is why photoshop is my friend. Crop and fade...
Ah I see Sunbum is buying new equipment for the Spork ninjas. I daresay they will do well as side arms....
Conceal a tiny water pistol in your left hand. Raise the camera and say "Click!" Squirt him when he makes the face, then take the real picture.
Forks, you can't leave without them
We love Sams Club too!
I just want you to know how sweet i think you are. I loved the package you sent me!! I really needed that on that particular day. My husband was just a bit miffed as he got the mail that day.
So cute.. and such clever use of photos.
I hope your daughter didn't drop any of those forks on the way home. It often confuses travelers when they happen upon one in the road...
I always wanted to visit Forks. Now I know I can. Thanks!!
why is it that i can't read any of your text?? i'm enjoying your photos, as they are very lovely and of exceedingly great quality, but DANGIT i wanna see what you are writing!!
my computer is retarded.
just thought i'd still show you some bloggin' love....
So funny!! :)
Melody is sooo cute!!
Bella has now read at least two of those infernal books and now Brennan's on the first one.
If most families have one, I have someone else's camera hog. All my children are camera hogs.
Forks is everything I dreamed of... and more!
You've got a bunch of good looking kiddies. If they have their momma's talent and humor, they're golden!
When my cousin, T, got married they had trouble keeping our other cousin, H, out of the pictures. She is in EVERY STINKIN SHOT!
You have more fun at Sam's Club than anyone I know. I'm coming with you next time. I just get all bugged for spending lots of money is all:(
Utah has a couple of forks. Spanish Fork and American Fork. (Fortunately they are about 30 miles away from each other to keep the peace:)
I'm with guys have more fun at Sam's Club than you should. LOL
That 'camera hog' is a cutie!
I have the opposite problem. Break out a camera in these parts--everyone runs!
P.S. I'm ascared to ask what all those forks are for.
Zach is my camera hog...and he's lightning fast! :0
Gosh, your kids are cute! :)
I ♥ Sunbum! I'm so happy she got to visit Forks too! ;)
I BUSTED OUT LAUGHING when I got to that part! :D
Your kids are so cute!
I dare say...she did get to see Forks. Was Edward inside too?? Oh yah I forgot...she doesn't like him. Was Mike inside too????
Yay! I got a shout out!
Your kids are seriously beautiful.
The Infidel photowhoring is the best.
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