I happily made it back home from Summer Blog Party 2008 adventures alive which is a very good thing because who else is going to take care of the mountains of laundry that greeted me at the front door?
I didn't really sleep at all the entire weekend. No, there wasn't any vampire kitties, I just wanted to soak up the sprightly essence of all 14 blogger ladies I was hanging out with. You can't do that if you're laying unconscious in a bed. I can sleep when I die.
I've just completed all the stages of Blog Party 2008......Blog Party Buildup, Blog Party Breakdown (trying to decide what to pack and what to buy for blog friends), Blog Party Boom-Shaka-Laka (while partying and shoulder-shaking with blog buds), and finally the last step, Blog Bust (when a weekend with no responsibilities comes to a close and I had to immediately trot off to work as soon as the plane landed).
When I have a spare moment I'll write the requisite Blog Party recap complete with pictures.
Here's some highlights:
1. The Pacific Ocean is nipply cold. I never got the chance to wear my bathing suit. However, one lucky bloggy lady opened the door and saw me in my birthday suit. Her vision is still intact, thankfully.
2. Thanks to Aubrey and Glittersmama I now have the sweetest smelling eyeballs of any blogger you'll ever meet.
3. Nobody bought me lunch and tolerated my endless and inane stories. I am now a believer that there really is such a thing as a free lunch contrary to what others may say. I had the salmon. :)
4. Carrie, Millie and I may be married 30-ish Mormon mommies but we still got what it takes to attract dirty old men who chatted us up about oysters while asking us to bite some seaweed while they took pictures. If you're reading this guys, I hope you aren't still spillin tears in your beer that we didn't make it for Happy Hour at the Cougar Bar. We're not cougars, after all. Nope, we be a hottie trio of MILF's!
5. Carrot Jello didn't throw me out of her van even when I was stomping the floorboard on my imaginary brake pedal. Thanks Carrot! I also got to sit at her computer where she makes all her bloggy magic come to life. *sigh*
I'll see you all later when I'm not out in 95 degree weather working. It was 50-64 degrees in Oregon. Such a contrast to go from sweat-free Blog Princess back to a perspiring and stinky Blog Toad in just a matter of a 4 hour plane trip.
It's about time.
Sweet-smelling eyeballs? How does THAT work?
Glad you had a great time, and boy, am I sorry I didn't get to be there to meet you!
My eyes! My eyes!!!!!
I was so happy with you and the girls. Now I must go back to the humdrum existence of my everyday life... sigh. No more naked Elastic for me in the near future.
It was the best bloggy trip ever.
Have to agree with Millie all though I didn't get to see you in all your naked glory this was the best blog party evah!
Elastic, you will always be a smell-free Blog Princess to me! I loved getting to see you again! And yes, ribbon rules! :D
Which "girls" is Millie talking about?
Nobody loves you as much as Nobody. It's a little schizo, but totally true. I love your stories, your wit, and your willingness to share salmon with Nobody.
Nobo bought my lunch too and never even busted a move. She's a true lady.
I'm glad I was able to see you again. Do your kids seem more obnoxious now than they did when you left or is it just mine?;)
there's nothing like a good eye bra.
i heart you elastic. and i double heart these freakin awesome mix cds. i just can't get enough, i just can't get enough! how can i score an alpabeat cd though? they are the soundtrack to my life.
I am sooooo glad you had fun! You deserve it, you hard working bloggy woman that everyone love, including me!!!
Which person got to see you in your birthday suit?
Aubrey got mix CDs? Lucky!
It was great meeting you this weekend. I was pretty nervous to go to the blog party, but it ended up being all good! I enjoyed getting to talk to you...and even though we are tied for kids...you got to six first!
Birthday suits are so festive! ;)
i love that you guys will actually get together and MAKE IT HAPPEN--we do a LOT of talking down here and not a lot of action.
we want photos!
I'm so happy you had a great time...as if there was EVER any doubt! Can't wait for your recap and pictures and stuff! :)
Sorry about stinkin' work, stinkin' high temperatures, and stinkin' laundry.
So glad you had a great time!! It sounds like it was blog-tastic!
Yay! So glad you're back. I missed you.
Looking forward to reading about how the Mormon ladies partied it up in Oregon. : )
Did you type nipply? I LOVE it. You are a true comic and so funny. You are also beautiful. Hey, I didn't even have to see you in the buff to know that. :)
I got home to piles of laundry and 2 sinks heaping with dishes. Can you top that? Oh, well. I did them. After all I have a new lease on life thanks to all of you.
hooray!..i am an official dot com now. thank you very much, smarty pants elastica.
If I had to guess who's recap would include nudity, I would have guessed yours. Glad you septuagenarian magnets had a good time!
:( I did not get an Elastic good-bye hug.
I was in the potty and when I came out (after I washed my hands) you guys were gone.
Pictures! Pictures! Re-create it for us Elastic.
I love your recap!
It sounds so fun!
Those dirty old men are prolly still waiting for you at the bar.....you heart breaker!
Sorry I missed the festivities!
I loved meeting you elastic. You are as funny in real life as you are on your blog. Thanks for telling my I was prettier than you expected. That made my whole day. ;)
I agree that the water was nipply. I brought my swimsuit too. I didn't even consider that it would be too cold to swim. Hey, it's the beach, how cold could it be? Right!?!
I was so glad I had a chance to meet you and get to spend some time really visiting with you (and even singing with you (or at you ; )
I love your perfect description of the temperature of the ocean.
Glad you made it home safe and sound--hope you get through the mounds of laundry.
Your milkshake really DOES bring all the boys to the yard.
Even if the boys are really old and dirty-minded.
Ah man, I wish I could have been there aswell! Sound like you ladies had such an awesome time! Cant wait for pics and stories...
A nudie EWBL??? where are the pictures!!!!
Seriously, I'm glad you had a great time
LOL I can just imagine what a party with you at it would be like! I think I might be pouting just a little. ;) Glad you had fun! Can't wait to read all the fodder this party provieded! hehe
YAY you have returned! To a new title no less: Queen of Laundry Hill. They'll write songs about it! ...one day.....when the laundry's done....
YAY for birthday suits. Although that does raise an interesting question. What does an UN-birthday suit look like?
Sounds like lots of fun! And you're right - who needs sleep when there's fun to be had? :)
If it makes you feel better, I was naked earlier today.
Yeah, it doesn't make me feel better either.
Yeah 50-64...that's what you get for going to the coast in Oregon! Today it will hit 100 in Portland. No humidity though...more like an oven; a nice dry heat.
Glad to hear you had a great trip!! Sounds like a blast! Yes, it's also great to get away from the oppressive heat.
did you read where I said hmmmmm?
that really sux as comments go
When I was a kid I thought birthday suits were lovely dresses you wore on your birthday and I asked for one a lot.... it took my mom years to tell me what a birthday suit actually was.
You're comments are as fun as you!
I'm glad you all had a good weekend, jealous too:)
I am so jealous.
Is that breaking a commandment?
I'm pretending that people care about junk like that.
Ahhhhh I SEE what you mean! hee hee
They have the best radio station on the coast - 94.3 FM. I heard wonderful things like "I Just Want To Be Your Everything" and "Love Will Find A Way" while we traveled to smell cows and eat free cheese at the Tillamook factory. And I thought of you and missed you.
Hope your nose is emptier now. :)
So glad you had a great time! Nakedness and all!
Oh, and Nobody has bought lunch for me before too! Isn't she wonderful? :)
Welcome back! Surely you missed the hot and steamy weather?
All your base are belong to us.
Anonymous sure does get around.
huh. 10x for post!
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