What would it be like getting a Quickie in the middle of the grocery store's cleaning aisle?
Just the idea of such bourgeois indulgence made me flush with a temporary sense of shame.
Still unsure, Papi leaned towards me and with the soft lilt of his Mucho Mexi accent he hesitantly asked, "Are you sure that you actually need a Quickie right here, right now? Or do you just want a Quickie? There's a big difference between needing and wanting a Quickie, you know."
To which I burst out with a much more enthusiastic response than I had intended as I exclaimed, "YES! Yes! Yes! I definitely need a Quickie!"
Papi finally relented and agreed to my persistent demands for a grocery store Quickie.
As I tightened my grasp on the smoothly rounded hardness in my hands, I knew that this was so right and so very satisfying beyond even my wildest fantasies.
The Quickie experience left me breathless.
It really got the job done.
My dishes have never been cleaner.

Millie!!!! The neighbors have allowed us almost 2 POWER HOURS! TWO!!!
We've had electric crews in the neighborhood from North Carolina all day today fixing stuff. It's freakin hot here now. I had to put down plastic wrap to keep from sweating all over the keyboard.
I'm too delicate to withstand much more of this. I feel myself wilting like a stink blossom at the Lollapalooza Festival (Day 4).
You SHOULD have SEEN my Hubby's face when I read him that title. ROFL CLASSIC....wish I had had a camera just then! Your great!
I almost needed a cigarette after that post!
(what did you do with your two hours?)
You're so dirty. I love it.
Oh dear. Still no electricity?
Does the dollar store have electricity? Or were the lights off when the two of you were grabbin' yourself a quickie?
And how is it that you have no electricity, and you STILL manage to post 300% more than I do?
Here's hoping the peeps from NC will hurry up and get you electrified again!
I think Annie was right about that baby boom nine months from now. She's so very wise.
Quickies should only be in private kitchens. And sometimes in public show rooms.
Aack! You are SO bad!!!
Do your children read this blog? ;)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA EWBL! The Not-wife likes nothing more than a quickie in the kitchen!
Who doesn't love a quickie?
I can't remember ever having the opportunity to grab a Quickie in the supermarket.
I'm beginning to think I may have to come to America to get one.
Aren't you just so naughty? HAHA! :)
STILL no power? UGH!!!
Man! I'm gonna have to go get a quickie after that one! I've never started panting over a dish cleaner before!
It's nothing but Quickies here... a sad commentary on America and Americans.
Is your power back on yet? :)
That was funny. Ha ha. Imagine that. I think they would have arrested you both for indecent exposure...
Oh wait...it was the dish brush hey?
I wonder if my husband would be more helpful with the dishes if I promised him a quickie?
I see that your sense of humor is still well intact and wasn't blown away by the hurricane. LOL! :D
I hate to have to confess this live on your blog, but,...I have never had a quickie--now I want one reallllly bad
You're terrible :)
Any word on the electricity problem yet?
I almost closed the blinds for this post. Ha ha ha. Great post. But alas...there's just nothing quick about dishes...
It's always good to have a quickie in the kitchen:)
Hope you have the magic of electricity longer than 2 hours a day soon!
Quickie....Quickie.....hmmm yep got nothin' to say about it.
you ARE dirtier than dirty rice on a dirty floor. naughty, elastic.
Crazy woman! Too funny. I was thinking it was going to be Nestlés Quick.
Oh my good Lord. I came over from Good Mom/Bad Mom...so glad I did. This was hilarious. I'm sending my husband over toot suite.
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