You can also wrap an old Smiling Infidel up in newspaper and call it "Change".......... but it's still going to stink.......and not even in 8 years either. No, it'll only take about 8 minutes.
As a matter of fact, I just emerged from my weekly newspaper cocoon and I can absolutely verify that yes, indeed, I DO stink.
You can't truthfully call it "change" though, because as a dutiful paper carrier, I'm wrapped up with newspapers practically every single day of the week.
Well good. I've finally purged these ridiculous remarks from my cranial sanctum. I've also wrapped up my episode of feigned outrage aimed at the perceived slight against any and all Smiling Infidels. Now that I'm done with all that irrelevant/inconsequential/unimportant rhetoric, I'm ready to get back to the serious issues that face me as the leader of this great blog.
At ease. As you were readers. As you were.
Confused? Don't be. American Politics At Its Most Asinine Here:
Presidential Hopeful Barack Obama Talks Pigs And Fish In A Campaign Speech. Maybe He Was Hungry?
In response, the Republicans have felt the need to get their wrinkly elephant panties all in a bunch and demand an apology for the "insult" they deemed as a direct jab at McCain(old fish)/Palin(lip-sticked pig).
Puh-Leeze, people. Grow the Hell up already. Unless Miss Piggy is going to gather up a Pork Ninja Squad to storm Mary Kay Cosmetics in a hostile lipstick takeover and then decides to focus the next porcine reign of terror on Long John Silver's, we do NOT need this fish/pig distractionary crap.
And in a super amusing sidenote, the entire Obama speech captured on that clip was plagiarized from a political cartoon dated 9/5/08.
I was just reading that Matt Damon called Sarah Palin "scary," which is quite a compliment coming from someone like Jason Bourne.
I loved when someone said the other day about a speech given by one of the men running for President--and after that he's going to give everyone a pony!!!!
Here's what I am going to do: I am going to look through all your old posts, your archives and look at these clues (lisptick, change, stink, newspaper, feigened) about why you'd post this and its hidden meanings.
I bet I'll find something juicy and interesting. I further bet your readers would like/love that.
Well I'm glad that controversy is finally over...What a relief that we can now talk about the serious infidel issues?
Who wants to talk about the issues when there is so much to say about pretty, lip stick wearing smiling infidels.
You've succeeded at confusing me. Your success should not be taken as a major accomplishment though since I'm so easily confused.
Huh? :)
Ahahaha! So, no-one called me a pig, then? Oh good!
I can't get too excited about politicians bad-mouthing each other - they do it so often, it's boring. They're all as bad as each other, they're all like a bunch of overgrown schoolkids at times. *Sigh*
I think I'll just vote for me.
With all the political mudslinging that goes on, I begin to think that all parties involved are morons. Can the just stop the craziness already and pick a fish..er a pig...I mean a dude?
Where are you hiding from Ike? I wish I lived a little bit closer, so that you could hide at my house. I would love to have a house full of infidels!
well, uh, just well
You can still vote for me. My only platform is to get rid of daylight savings time, but I think it's a good platform...
I'd vote for Miss Piggy if she ran.
But not Fozzy Bear. I like the guy and all, but he doesn't really have the right...qualities. I mean, we all like to laugh at our politicians, but Fozzy can't turn a good joke.
The Swedish Chef would be best, though. It's a lot easier to believe in a politician if you have no idea what they're saying.
I *heart* Elastic.
I love the swedish chef. binda, bingda,burda.
Maybe he was just trying to reach out to the staunch Jewish and Catholic communities by offering Pork Chops & Fried Fish as being representative of his "change" policy.
I'll take his spare change, put only the legal tender.
Pardon the religious slurs
"I was just reading that Matt Damon called Sarah Palin "scary," which is quite a compliment coming from someone like Jason Bourne."
Only b/c it reminds him of his third grade teacher whom he had a total crush on...
Here's what I am going to do: I am going to look through all your old posts, your archives and look at these clues (lisptick, change, stink, newspaper, feigened) about why you'd post this and its hidden meanings.
I bet I'll find something juicy and interesting. I further bet your readers would like/love that.
So long as NCS does a connecting the smiling infidel dots with lipstick post
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