Pausey: Now with 80% less Estrogen!!!!
Okay, let's use our new Infidel Vocabulary Word Of The Day in a sentence, shall we?
The PAUSEY war rages on this Friday down at The Coliseum.
Be there, as the crimson-chapeaued ladies of the Red Hat Society fiercely channel their Scarlet Fever into an all-out epic Safety Dance battle against their sworn fedora enemies, The Men Without Hats!
Next up on the PAUSEY war schedule: THE GOLDEN GIRLS PAUSEY versus the hard-core rappers of THE INSANE CLOWN POSSE. Oh Estelle Getty, where are you when we need your ferocity the most??!!?
Hey, I think I see me in the third row.
I'm going to my Old Lady Club later today, actually. I'll sip my tea with my pinky in the air and think of you.
Maybe I'll stick my pinky in my nose and think of you, instead.
Maybe I'll ask one of the ladies to "pull my finger" and secretly videotape her reaction and post it later on my blog.
If only I had one of those David Letterman eyeglasses cameras... oh, the video I could have posted after our "Naked Elastic" weekend!
Wooly armpits, indeed.
OK, done now. :)
Hey - I just wanted to let you know that up here by the Point of the Mountain, there are some 8 year old girls actually choking neighborhood kids, and when my HT/VT asked their daughter about it, she said she knows the game well - other kids play it at school. SOMEthing is rotten in Denmark (or Utah, as the case may be). How did your whole thing turn out?
If I ever put a red hat on my head,
I ask for someone to shoot me dead.
It surely is just a big red sign,
That something in their brains is way out of line.
Is this what happens to women who get old?
They're just really loony, not brave or bold.
They are after attention that they never got,
And do this in groups so they won't get caught.
They're nuts totally loony and gray.
I surely don't want to go out this way.
This reminds me of that episode of the Simpsons when Marge joins one of those groups for social reasons, only to later find out that they're an organized crime group.
However, I don't think they used the word "Pausey," so I think you've still got dibs on that.
I wish our Relief Society was more PAUSEY. They just divided our ward and I don't think there is a soul over 40 in it. I like the PAUSEY womens' point of view since they've been around so much longer. JMO!
And I've never heard of the Red Hat Society! What do they even stand for? Or do they just like red hats? :)
Now that's a group I could REALLY join--if only I looked good in a hat ; )
Sadly, Estelle Getty's pausey is passée. Rest in peacey, Sofia.
I hate purple.
I thought maybe that was a picture of the enrichment craft ladies on their way out the door of the building.
Hey, which one is you?
I was anxiously awaiting the day I turned 50 so I could join but after reading the wiki link I found out I can join now!! Time to go get my pink hat and lavender attire.
I love hats! I need to make up my own group just to wear hats. Maybe some hats as wild as some of those socks were. Wild hats & socks!
I think I would have to be part of a group that consists of posers that would have to be a Pawsie.
Picture it..years from now I will be a member of the purple hat posse.
I just don't understand the PURPLE WITH THE RED.
It looks ugly.
It doesn't go.
Brilliant identified! Well done.
How it started
I live to be educational.
I am so joining that. Oblivious to puzzled stares, I already stick out like a big red sore thumb. I think when my hair turns gray I'll miss it and wear a red hat instead.
Estelle Getty is dead, sorry I had to break it to you this way....
The last time I was at Multnomah Falls there were a bunch of Red Hats getting off a tour bus.
When I'm older and crankier I'm just gonna stop wearing a bra. Forget the zany hat. Go for comfort.
I'm with Omar. The first thing I thought of was Marge joining that...ladybug group...(I think it had ladybugs in it somewhere, didn't it?)
Hmph. Red hats with purple. Something new to think about. (When I got old, I was simply going to collect hundreds of cats and throw them at random passerby while yelling incoherently. That was my retirement plan, a la Simpsons.)
This is something I have never understood. Why purple and red? The color combo makes my eyes hurt... besides, I don't look that great in red...
While I am far, far, far, far, too young to worry about menopause, I feel like I've been going through it lately and if this is just a taste, I don't want to do the real thing!
I'm on medications for my MS that give me hot flashes, cold chills, mood swings, the ability to cry about absolutely NOTHING. It sucks!
And now I miss Estelle Getty again! Poor little Sophia! She would have been the Tony Soprano of the Pauseys!
Ummm yeah. I'm old enough to appreciate words like this. OK, ALMOST old enough:)
I look good in red too! (not so good in hats though.
If it weren't for syndication Estelle would be sorely missed on a daily basis.
Woot! for GG!
Hey, great word. My mother is a bit pausey. She has many tiny dogs and owns an RV.
"Pausey: Now with 80% less Estrogen!!!!"
ROFL! That's funny!!
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