I certainly hope that my words and thoughts are made out of a deliciously creamy Twinkie-filling because I'm going to have eat every last negative thing I ever pondered about Sarah Palin during this past week when she was introduced as the Republican Vice Presidential nominee.
Her speech last night at the Republican National Convention was nothing less than stunning. Governor Palin made her debut on the national stage with grace, wit, and a charisma that stemmed straight from being comfortable with who she is and what she stands for.
Even Wolf Blitzer--the cantankerously crusty CNN pundit--had to grudgingly concede that Governor Palin "not only hit a home run, she hit a GRAND SLAM!"
Is it too early to start hawking Palin For President 2012 merchandise?
*I'm NOT a John McCain fan for oh so very many reasons. Palin makes the McCain ballot a definitively more palatable choice for me*
YAY!!! I am excited. Let those who doubt the reb. party to bring it on. No I dont think its to early to start the 2012 Palin merchandise ;)
Me too! I'm a conservative first ahead of any political party. I'd almost given up on Republicanism for good. Especially after nominating a Democrat turncoat wannabe like John McCain for President.(He almost dumped the Repub. Party for the Dems a few years ago).
My girls didn't get a chance to hear the speech but I'm definitely going to let them watch it via youtube as soon as someone posts it. Palin's speech was amazing in its direct-to-the-point simpleness. She didn't need any big words or a Doctorate in the art of masterful oration. She left out the fluff and got to the meat of the matter by laying out the differences between the two campaigns and then detailing exactly what her plans are to make this country even better than it already is. Amazing. They said her Teleprompter went down in the middle of the speech. It didn't faze her a bit because she was speaking from her heart.
Wow, what did I miss in the flurry of soccer, Cub Scouts and Mutual last night?
McCain's approval ratings must have gone off the charts after last night. If nothing else, she complements him by being young, pretty and fully-functioning. She's Veep Barbie!
It would be neat if they won. The playing field seems a little more level now...
What did you miss??!!? Well the London press is favorably comparing Governor Palin to the second coming of Margaret Thatcher for one thing. That is NO easy feat to pull off.
McCain is a much smarter man than I have given him credit for.
Our hope is this: that he keels over just a few months in, and she gets the presidency. How's that?
2012, indeed.
I have to say when McCain announced his choice for VP, I was like "WHO???" I heard her speech last week and was so impressed--wish I could have heard her last night. So glad to hear she did well.
This will definitely be an interesting election.
I KNOW! I was going to vote for McCain anyway... lesser of two evils and all that. But now I'm actually excited about it.
It's a funny thing about careers and children. If you're boss (like the governor of Alaska) or have your own business (like Dr. Laura) your work situation and scheduling can be more flexible around your motherhood. When I was a Legal Secretary, or a product tester, or a retail clerk, I didn't have the option to nurse in my office, or sign documents while wearing a baby in a sling.
I think she's great.
Sarah has a likability factor that Hilary Clinton was trying desperately to capture. Sorry Hilary there somethings that just can't be taught. I haven't been this excited about a political campaign since Ross Pero.
Grr... I turned it on right after she finished. I got to hear good ol' McCain say, "What a lovely family!" Or something like that... I'm excited about Sarah Palin. I like what I've heard. She seems to be a real person who speaks her mind!!
I agree with what carrie said. I am really impressed with Gov. Palin and her amazing hair. She seems sincere and strong - just what both Repubs and Dems want to see in women, especially leaders. But I would never put her in the "Biatch" category that I wanted to put Hillary in. Sorry. Just the facts.
Hey! Right after I posted on your blog, I saw you posted on mine. We are so in tune with each other. Anyway, I feel the heart-swelling for her as well. Makes me want to vote for McCain much more. At first, I was going to vote for McCain because he wasn't Obama(not sure how you feel about him, but I have my opinions.)
oh, I love OPC. One of my favorite parts about having a baby is the meals that come :). There are some awesome cooks in the ward. I love it!
I think she is fantastic. I too am not a big McCain fan...but I love her!
I had heard Palin's name thrown around before she was announced and since she's now here, I actually have some interest in things political again.
I haven't heard or seen Hillary all week! LOL! LOVE IT! I am so excited to watch Sarah instead!!!!! She even makes McCain tolerable for me to look at now! Now how does that work? Did you see the little girl lick her hand and smear in on the babys hair:) it was so funny and cute.
I'm SO with you...excellent post.
If nothing else, I like that she was able to deliver her speech without breaking into ridiculous grins like Rudy and Mittens (I think Biden did it last week, too). Every time they would say something that they expected to bring applause, they'd pause with big cheesy grins.
You and I are like comadres on this one Elastic. I went from "meh" "to "YAY!" and just like you, I did all my investigating and reading and now I am like W00T!
And ITA with justrandi.
The kids watched with us.
Aww Omar, I also call Mitt "Mittens". I asked Daily Hero if Mitt was short for something...I still think it's Mittens.
ITA with S!
Aww, group hug.
When I played high school basketball I totally would have picked a girl nicknamed "Sarah Barracuda" to be on my team.
Know what? I'd still pick a girl nicknamed "Sarah Barracuda" to be on my team.
I like her style!
yaaaaa..i'm warming up to her. don't like mccain but i'm liking her.
So, do you think Tina Fey will play Sarah Palin in the movie? They're twins from separate mothers if you ask me.
ITA with all my twins comments. Palin is making voting for McCain a lot more bearable.
If my words tasted like twinkies I would not mind eating them so often. I agree McCain brought energy and conservative values back into his campaign. I think it is way more than a level playing field though. Just watch. She is the next Reagan!
Am I wrong? You know i'm not
Have a great day!
Mmmmmmmm.... twinkies.
"You know, John, no one wants to vote for you."
"Why not?"
"Well... you're like a flip-flopping version of George Bush. You're old, you're not personable, and you keep yanging on stuff that people don't want to hear. And worst of all, you're not a young, hip, black dude."
"Gee. What should I do?"
"Well... we have several options."
"OK, what are they?"
"Sex change."
"Be serious."
"Plastic surgery and a personality transplant."
"Oh come on, we only have a few months left before the election!"
"Well, there's this hot young mom up in Alaska, who happens to be the governor..."
I forgot to ask your opinions on the names Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, and Trig. You do have strong opinions on names, I'm curious if these get the Infidel Seal of Approval.
Overall I thought she was a good speaker too but there were a few things that really bugged me. Then I found this article and I've linked to it in this blog entry, which also has a video from Jon Stewart that you should watch. http://www.becomingsomething.com/2008/09/jon-stewart-mak.html
Wow...her teeth are... hypnotic...
I missed her speech.. :(
..but I heard she kicked some booty!
Yay for Palin!!
My hubby wanted to see her when he got home because the guys on the radio were talking about how hot she is..hubs is quite political that way.
Am I the only person who reads her name "Sarah Palin Tall?" I'll get over it. Seems quite likeable and very funny. I'm leaning rightward at this point. I need to stop reading blogs and get some research done on the subject. Eh, November's still a couple months away. Plenty of time.
I like the idea of having someone in office who got into politics for the right reasons -- to make a difference in her community rather than to have some lofty political goals/big shot power trip.
That being said, I still need to do some research before I feel completely comfortable voting. :o)
Um...call me a cynical canadian here, but doesn't it bother anyone down there that she obviously was picked for her being a woman, and not for her experience in leadership. It makes it look rather bad...like McCain is trying to prop up his campaign to make it seem more appealing...
I just giggled when I read about it, I couldn't help it...she could to be the VICE PRESIDENT for gosh sakes...it just rubs me the very wrongest of ways. I don't support any party over the other, but it really makes me doubt McCain. You choose good experienced people to be under you to rule - especially the VP. They're the next in line. I'd be nervous. I'm all for women in government...but not just because they have the jugs. They need experience too. Being VP of a country isn't something you just "pick up" as you go...but then I'm of the ranty political sort. I vote for the person and their principles, not necessarily for the party. I have to believe in the leader I'm voting for.
Having said all this, our current prime minister is an asshat, and we're going to be up to our noses in an awkward leadership race now too with no clear strong leadership choice, so I think I have to put my soapbox away and go and figure out how I'll vote up here...
Geosomin: Yes.
In the end, you have to just put aside the myriad of reasons why you HATE LOATHE ABHOR a political candidate, then hold your nose and push the voting machine button.
I despise McCain. I despise Obama. I keep thinking, "Really? is this the best we could come up with to lead our nation? Really??!!??"
That being said, Sarah Palin appeals to me because of her energy policy savvy and her common sense/small government ideas. I vote for who is more closely aligned to my own principles which I guess means McCain(but barely). He didn't pick Palin because she's a woman....no, she was selected to appease the conservative party base because McCain is hardly representative of true a Republican doctrine. He's more like a moderate Democrat with Obama being the furthest left Democrat in the Senate according to his Senate votes. Besides, Palin is the freakin GOVERNOR of the largest state in the U.S. Of course, she has experience. She's over the Alaskan National Guard which protects the entire nation. She also gets security briefing because she is the head honcho for all the nuclear missiles strategically placed in Alaska. There aren't any other U.S. Governors who can claim the same repsonsibilities.
Omar: If we were voting based on baby naming prowess, Obama/Biden/and McCain would all win mightily over Palin. Here's to hoping that Bristol Palin gives a normal name to her baby this December to break the cycle.
I'm glad that we agree on baby names :) Also, I'm not in love with either candidate. I don't trust either one of them as far as I can throw them. But by that logic, I could probably throw Obama farther because he's skinnier...
I even agree with most of what you said about Palin (mainly because most of it is fact, and even I can't disagree with facts). BUT I still think that McCain picked Palin because she's a woman. He needed to do something to take the wind out of the "historic" value of Obama's nomination. The only way he could do that would be to choose a minority or choose a woman. He couldn't choose a black dude, because that would have been too obvious. So his choices were a non-black minority dude, or a woman (of any race).
And to his credit, I think he probably made the best choice for his campaign. But my opinion is that he didn't make the best choice for the country. And that's his whole shtick, "country first."
Palin is the governor of the largest state in the US, which has a population that is roughly a third of that of the city of Houston. And if the entire city of Wasilla went to a Houston Rockets game, they wouldn't fill half of the seats in the Toyota Center!
I don't even know why I'm arguing that point though, I think the whole experience thing on both sides is a bunch of bunk. Only 43 people have ever been President of the United States. ANY new person taking the job will have to do plenty of on the job training.
I've written so much here, I've started arguing with myself. I think that's a sign to stop.
Vote Elastic in 2012!
I'd make a horrible President.......but as a VICE President, well, that could well be my niche.
Okay, I'll support your bid for the White House in 15 years or so and you can add me on your ticket. We'll set out to capture the conservative and the not-so conservative and the women and the minorities and the pro-big family people and the religious people and the lawn care zealots and duck haters all in one big fell SWOOP!
Vote Omar/Elastic
Change you can buy yourself some generic soda from the vending machine with.
With your bad knee Omar you shouldn't be throwing anybody...
Name that movie! I need to read up on this woman and what she stands for...it sounds like something I can actually get behind! And with my recently expanding waistline heaven knows it's pretty tough for me to get behind anything these days ;)
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