A minute on the lips, forever on the hips? Not at our house.
It all goes straight to our built-in, back-end, super-squishy seat cushions.
We've recently begun diversifying our Gigundo Booty portfolio by adding a free annual Gigundo Booty bonus courtesy of our local credit union.
It really isn't fair to our competition who lack the magical Gigundo Booty Touch that us Infidels have; but then the competition can sit comfortably in teeny-tiny chairs, so I guess it all balances out in the grand scheme of the universe.
See, for the second year in a row a Gigundo Booty-blessed mini-Infidel has beaten out all other contest entrants to win the top prize at the credit union.
Here's Stef looking smug with all the trappings of her stocking contest success:
(Stef is a little over 5'5 to give you an idea of how tall the stocking is)

And here's Sunbum from last year showing off the rewards one can reap when possessing an awesomely mystical power like Gigundo Booty Touch.

My girls' Gigundo Booty skills are in high demand. They have a date with Ed McMahon and the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes entry in a few weeks so you need to book them early.
*Some of the contents were duplicates of last year. For instance, we're now the proud owners of fuzzy little King Kong twins. I'm betting they'd make a great pair of ear muffs or a really fun bikini bra. Stef also got an authentic Gwen Stefani doll that came complete with her own Alice in Wonderland costume. Sometimes I think that swallowing weird potions in little bottles would explain an awful lot about Gwen and her music/stage persona.*
Ooh first! So Elastic, it sounds like you survived your surgery since you're back on here making me smile! Those are some pretty sweet stockings. Maybe I should get a Gigando Booty so I can win one. Oh wait...I already have one! ;D I hope you and the Infidel Home had a wonderful Christmas!!! :)
That's pretty amazing, I think. Two stockings in two years? Did the CU people know about Sunbum winning last year?
I'm bummed that my CU doesn't do anything cool like this. I may take my $5 and close the account.
"but then the competition can sit comfortably in teeny-tiny chairs"
If it's my bony booty it's not comfortable at all... I may buy one of those fake booties just to make sitting in those primary chairs a little less painful.
Hippie, it's too bad I can't just send you mine. :(
Your kids were stocking stalking?
Hope you're feeling well. :)
Hey! I'm president of the Gigundo Booty Club. How come I didn't hear about the great giveaway??
I am swearing to you that I gained SEVEN pounds over the freaking weekend Elastic! No lie! The booty is really living up to my title as president!!
I'm jealous of their Gigundo Booty skills I think I got the Gigundo Booty SkillZ b/c I certainly don't clean up like that!
Love those stockings--how fun would that be!!!!
Fuzzy little King Kong twins--no pictures????
What did they have to do to win the contest? Was it a booty-shakin' dance?
That is big. Where's the other one? Do you wear them for skiing?
Oh...You are about to be removed from my blog roll!!! It’s nothing personal…I’m restarting for 2009 this Thursday. Were you at the top of the list in 2008? If not, here’s your chance to be. A single comment gets you on my blog roll. Keep commenting and you’ll stay at the top. Hope to see you in 2009!
How do they even DO that? Your Infidel girls are amazing! :D
yeah, I don't win stuff
but woww maybe your booty thing will rub off on me
(that's what she said)
Way to go EWBL! I hope stef enjoys the booty.. in the stpcking that is! Happy new yeear to you, Papi and the mini-infidels
My bank doesn't do things like this... in fact, my bank went under this last year... maybe I should switch to a credit union and share in the booty!
I'm Diana's vice president.....but my booty is much more gigundo!
It isn't enough that your girls are beautiful, they have have to be prize winners too??!!
That is way awesome for them!
My CU sucks. That is all.
I wanted you to know, I ripped off your Amish "wet jumper contest" story and put it on my Facebook page, for how I met my husband. So don't be all, "Millie plaigarized my story" when you see it.
I don't know how to spell "plaigarized."
I totally spelled that wrong, didn't I?
Ahhhh, your prize-winning gals are too cute. But nothing is cuter than a prize-winning booty. Who wants a bony butt, right? :-)
PLEASE post a picture of you in the King Kong bikini! :)
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