This weekend marked the baptismal covenants of mini-Infidel Number 4! We nicknamed her 'Caterpillar' to denote her distinctive furry little eyebrows and I'm proud to say that she stood out from the rest of the typical Nursery crowd with her fantastic baby unibrow. Besides making a commitment and getting baptised for the remission of sins, the day was also made special by the date....07/07/07- a fact which one of the presiding speakers pointed out that 7 holds a place in the scriptures as a number that represents Spiritual perfection and fullness/completion because it's the number of the Covenant and of the Holy Spirit. Caterpillar's middle name begins with an 'X' and we jokingly call her 'Agent X.' It only seems right that our little Agent X should embark on her baptismal mission during such a numerically interesting day. Perhaps we should refer to her as Triple OOO7 from now on! Go forth and sin no more, my child. Sin no more! How I yearn to have my own iniquities washed away again so that I may start anew. I wish I could call a 'Do Over!' and get a second chance. Shouldn't the first one be like a practice for the real thing?I LOVE this picture! Mainly because the jumper Papi picked out ran a little on the snug side thus giving appropriate meaning to the term 'Tighty Whities.' Is it sacrilegious to pull out wedgies while in your holy gear? Okay, either my son plans on joining a gang and he's practicing potential gang signs or he's an ardent fan of the disgraced former President Nixon. Papi looks glazy-eyed just thinking about all the impending baptism excitement.And finally, a shot of the extended Smiling Infidel family. Rocio, the one squatting in the front, just barely escaped a smackdown from my S.Q.U.A.T team. I'm sure you're all dying to know where I am, right? I'm just practicing the art of blending in for my upcoming line of 'Where's Infidel?' books and posters.
Congratulations my little Caterpillar for making the choice to follow our Savior!
Congrats to Caterpillar! I wouldn't have noticed Papi's tight suit unless you'd mentioned it. I thought about trying to enlarge it to see how truly tight it was, but then good sense and prudence took over.
Congrats to your Caterpillar and her baptism! I'm loving all your family photos.
Oh and thank you so much for the fun package you sent me. I was all smiles on Saturday while opening it. I love the magnets and will be posting about it soon! :D
Oh too cute! Sooo white! You get the best laundry award. I've still no email for you so I'll post it here [for you to delete afterward] I need to know that it loads like a dream! Cheers
I thought you would see right through my evil plot. I guess that means I'm trust worthy,,only not now cause I did that evil thing........ sigh it is a vicious circle
Congratulations little Cat! And how cool--my baby did the same. He's been excited for months because he knew he was getting baptised on 7/7/07. What a great day!
Oh, I've been wondering - did you get a chance to shower first? Or was it a good thing you didn't baptize her (and leave an oil slick in the font water)?
carrot- How many kids would love for an elastic carrot to be invented? They could play with it, like an edible yo-yo.
jean knee- Sadly, that tiara was on loan from my daughter's Dollar Store tiara collection. I had to give it back at the end of my big night. The trophy? I borrowed that too. I'm not really a Trophy Wife like I proclaimed. I am a Nacho Wife, though. I make the best nachos this side of Margaritaville.
tori- That caterpillar LOVED being the center of attention. LOVED IT, I tell you.
millie- Walter Egans got enough cheesy 70's style lovin for all us groupie gals, millie. Don't be a hater, we can share 'Magnet And Steel.' I started plucking her unibrow when she was only a baby. At least she wasn't bald and coneheaded looking like some of the other babies we know.
melissa- Gracias! I was the photographer which I much prefer to being the picture subject.
EW- It was just a little short for him so it rode up in the most delicate of places. Good thing he's a master of the discreet wedgie removal!
carrot- I knew what you meant. We have a psychic blogging connection, don't we?
barn goddess- THANKS! And that's why I call my Papi a 'Sexy-Mexi!'
kimberly- I learned the word 'purulent' this week. Can I still be on your Scrabble Death Match team?
suzanne- Yay, you got it! I never buy insurance, so then I'm not sure if people are actually going to get what I sent to them. I'm an optimist. A cheap optimist.
jams- We don't believe in baptising infants and so children have a choice to baptize at the age of 8 which we regard as an age of accountability. I personally really like having the option to choose since it furthers the idea of us all being born with our free agency.
mcewen- These days, I'm a part-time blogger because of work and my kids trying to finish their homeschool curriculum before the fall. I'll check out your new place SOON!
jean knee- My Magic 8 Ball told me what you were up to. Magic 8 Ball never lies to me like those stupid fortune cookies I get down at China Wok.
b.- You think she's beautiful? She looks like me, then!
chris- I'm going through a clever dry spell myself. :( I wonder if anyone sells cleverness infused injections and pills?
compulsive writer- My oldest daughter has a Cinco De Mayo birthday and celebrated her 10th on 05/05/05. I love it because it makes the dates easier for my feeble mind to recall. Congrats to your baby too!
Annie- Yeah but without the creepy webby cocoon stuff.
toni- Unless I can convince the Bishop that I need a 'Do Over' baptism, yes, that's it.
millie- Not only did I shower, but I also brushed my teeth and combed my mustache! I wanted to look my absolute best.
Hey anonymous, is that really you Dick Payne?!!!?? Where have you been? I've totally missed our Martha Stewart conversations and laughing about hair nets for men wearing short-shorts.
I blogged about our leetle friend over on Stockport. It was a charming piece that showed a lot of depth and emotion as to how I really feel about him and how the HC should have told him to stick his 5:00 paper where the sun don't shine.
Dan- Yeah, her middle name is Xotchitl. Pronounced SO-CHEEL. It's the Aztec Goddess of flowers and ferility and there was also a Princess Xotchitl. Disclaimer:We are not Indians. Nor have we ever been a Cleveland fan. So, are you back now?
And another thing Dick Payne, I'm dyyyyiiiinnng to blog about the super clever little Olive Branch tree I made you. Do you still have it? Did you at least take a picture of it?
Otherwise I'll have to slave away making another. Oh well, I've made new enemies since you moved on that could use a dose of an Infidel peace offering.
Congratulation to little Catapiller. Bushy eye brows are fabulous maybe when she is older bushy eye brows will be in again. As for me I finally give in and had mine waxed.
Yeah yeah, I'm always behind the camera too. I know that trick. ;)
Maybe we could do a book together. "Wheres The Elastic Carrot?"
I would soo buy that book.
Elastic I saw your trophy wife photo on flkr. Do you still wear that tiara? I love my collection of tiaras and wear them often.
Your family looks so happy and well adjusted--I'm just sayin
YAY! Congrats little Caterpillar! :)
Caterpillar's dress is lovely - I could just imagine her fantastic baby unibrow. Awwww. Congrats!!!
OK, you stole "Magnet and Steel." I'll have to send you a dirty postcard now.
Congrats little Caterpillar Agent X :) Love the photos
Congrats to Caterpillar!
I wouldn't have noticed Papi's tight suit unless you'd mentioned it. I thought about trying to enlarge it to see how truly tight it was, but then good sense and prudence took over.
Er...I meant to say "Congratulations!"
woot! congrats little caterpillar!!
Papi is a handsome guy, even in his tightywhities :) that last photo is my favorite.
You have a beautiful family.
very much to be happy and proud of!
Yay! What wonderful pics of the wonderful day!
p.s. re: the magnets? Pride of place on my fridge, baby!
Congrats to your Caterpillar and her baptism! I'm loving all your family photos.
Oh and thank you so much for the fun package you sent me. I was all smiles on Saturday while opening it. I love the magnets and will be posting about it soon! :D
Looks like ti was a big day. It reminds me of years gone back when I took my first communion and was confirmed. Big events for catholic families
Oh too cute! Sooo white! You get the best laundry award. I've still no email for you so I'll post it here [for you to delete afterward]
I need to know that it loads like a dream!
I thought you would see right through my evil plot. I guess that means I'm trust worthy,,only not now cause I did that evil thing........ sigh it is a vicious circle
Awww.....she's beautiful!
Congratulations to Caterpillar and her wonderful family!
What a great day!
Nothing witty from me, just a congratulatory note.
Congrats to Caterpillar.
Congratulations little Cat! And how cool--my baby did the same. He's been excited for months because he knew he was getting baptised on 7/7/07. What a great day!
Catapilla' changing into a beeuteeful buttafly.
Congratulations! 4 down, 2 to go?? Is that it?
Oh, I've been wondering - did you get a chance to shower first? Or was it a good thing you didn't baptize her (and leave an oil slick in the font water)?
carrot- How many kids would love for an elastic carrot to be invented? They could play with it, like an edible yo-yo.
jean knee- Sadly, that tiara was on loan from my daughter's Dollar Store tiara collection. I had to give it back at the end of my big night. The trophy? I borrowed that too. I'm not really a Trophy Wife like I proclaimed. I am a Nacho Wife, though. I make the best nachos this side of Margaritaville.
tori- That caterpillar LOVED being the center of attention. LOVED IT, I tell you.
millie- Walter Egans got enough cheesy 70's style lovin for all us groupie gals, millie. Don't be a hater, we can share 'Magnet And Steel.' I started plucking her unibrow when she was only a baby. At least she wasn't bald and coneheaded looking like some of the other babies we know.
melissa- Gracias! I was the photographer which I much prefer to being the picture subject.
EW- It was just a little short for him so it rode up in the most delicate of places. Good thing he's a master of the discreet wedgie removal!
carrot- I knew what you meant. We have a psychic blogging connection, don't we?
barn goddess- THANKS! And that's why I call my Papi a 'Sexy-Mexi!'
kimberly- I learned the word 'purulent' this week. Can I still be on your Scrabble Death Match team?
suzanne- Yay, you got it! I never buy insurance, so then I'm not sure if people are actually going to get what I sent to them. I'm an optimist. A cheap optimist.
jams- We don't believe in baptising infants and so children have a choice to baptize at the age of 8 which we regard as an age of accountability. I personally really like having the option to choose since it furthers the idea of us all being born with our free agency.
mcewen- These days, I'm a part-time blogger because of work and my kids trying to finish their homeschool curriculum before the fall. I'll check out your new place SOON!
jean knee- My Magic 8 Ball told me what you were up to. Magic 8 Ball never lies to me like those stupid fortune cookies I get down at China Wok.
b.- You think she's beautiful? She looks like me, then!
chris- I'm going through a clever dry spell myself. :( I wonder if anyone sells cleverness infused injections and pills?
compulsive writer- My oldest daughter has a Cinco De Mayo birthday and celebrated her 10th on 05/05/05. I love it because it makes the dates easier for my feeble mind to recall. Congrats to your baby too!
Annie- Yeah but without the creepy webby cocoon stuff.
toni- Unless I can convince the Bishop that I need a 'Do Over' baptism, yes, that's it.
millie- Not only did I shower, but I also brushed my teeth and combed my mustache! I wanted to look my absolute best.
Congrats to you rt 44. Mr melissa looks hot in the tight outfit.
her middle name begins with an x?
Hey anonymous, is that really you Dick Payne?!!!?? Where have you been? I've totally missed our Martha Stewart conversations and laughing about hair nets for men wearing short-shorts.
I blogged about our leetle friend over on Stockport. It was a charming piece that showed a lot of depth and emotion as to how I really feel about him and how the HC should have told him to stick his 5:00 paper where the sun don't shine.
Dan- Yeah, her middle name is Xotchitl. Pronounced SO-CHEEL. It's the Aztec Goddess of flowers and ferility and there was also a Princess Xotchitl.
Disclaimer:We are not Indians. Nor have we ever been a Cleveland fan.
So, are you back now?
And another thing Dick Payne, I'm dyyyyiiiinnng to blog about the super clever little Olive Branch tree I made you. Do you still have it? Did you at least take a picture of it?
Otherwise I'll have to slave away making another. Oh well, I've made new enemies since you moved on that could use a dose of an Infidel peace offering.
what is this about all the magnets that i am sad i have never received one. *sniff*
congrats to your little 0007! i went to a baptism on saturday too for a pair of twins in our primary. how fun for your whole family!!
and the fact that caterpillars middle name is xotchitl is awesome. my good friend is naming her daughter that!
What a cool middle name! Congrats to agent X!
I heart being on the other end of the camera (the one taking the picture).
Oh sweetness! Congratulations!
Congratulation to little Catapiller. Bushy eye brows are fabulous maybe when she is older bushy eye brows will be in again. As for me I finally give in and had mine waxed.
Hi I'm just going to hang out here a little longer so I can listen to Midnight Oil and Kate Bush. Be running up that building. Her voice is so cool .
ah...hooray...that's very exciting.
Oh my heck I love this song from the beer commercials I never knew the name of it until now thanks Elastic!
It is the one and only. Thought I would stop by and say hello to you and your family. Hope all is well for you all.
You know that you CAN have a clean fresh start again, that is what the sacrement is all about.
Congrats to the little one on her big day, it is so exciting!
Congrats! Another member of the kingdom...
She's gorgeous - you grow good caterpillar babies.
Oh, how I loved the pictures of your beautiful family! So precious! What a happy, memorable day! :)
Congrats Caterpillar!
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