While blithely driving down the road this morning, a full sized GMC truck slammed into me going between 50-60 miles per hour. We weren't at a red light. I didn't have my brakes on. There wasn't any other traffic at 5:15 A.M. except us. The force of the impact knocked the sandals right off my feet. She hit me so hard that:
1. The XM Satellite Radio display dislodged from the dashboard.
2. The tailgate of my truck got pushed all the way up into the rear tires.
3. The front bench seat of the truck completely broke and flopped backwards.
And then, as I lost control of my truck on the rain-slicked road, and finally managed to stomp on the brake, the little beyotch who hit me jumped out of her completely demolished truck, apologized, blamed the accident on her brakes failing, and then ran off. Yes, she freakin ran off under the pretense of searching for a pay phone and never came back to the scene of the accident.
So, what does that mean for me and my Infidel truck? It means that:
1. I assume she doesn't have any insurance and my insurance will have to absorb the cost.
2. I refused medical treatment because I don't have health insurance and I'm scared to death of how much ambulance and medical bills could amount to.
3. I have a huge bump on the back of my head and bruises running the entire length of my left leg along with a stiff neck.
4.My boss came over with his truck and I had to go and throw the rest of my route with a splitting headache because I criss-cross back and forth and nobody could finish it but me.
5. My beloved truck, so very close to being paid off in 18 months, is likely totalled and I'll have to start all over again. (I got the call this afternoon. It IS totalled.)
Luckily, my officer friend who looks the other way when I run stop signs on my route, came within 3 minutes of me calling him and worked the accident scene, saving me from having to pay a tow truck fee by telling the guy to charge it as a county tow.
I walked away from a really bad accident relatively unscathed even though I wasn't wearing a seatbelt. The wrecker guy told me the newspaper bundles absorbed a lot of the force, thus saving me from further damage. I didn't have any of my mini-Infidels with me. I didn't injure my golden, money-making, paper-throwing arm. I have really good insurance with Progressive who got me a rental vehicle and claims adjuster within a couple hours. I was able to save my cherished butt towel before it got towed away. Yep, I be one blessed Bad Ash Infidel, alright.
Boo for drivers who ruin our day and wreck our drives.
AWWW man that really sux!!!! I'm glad you're doing OK. So did ANYTHING happen to the wannabe HOUDINI hit and runner?
And here's one of the moments where being a "good girl" really sucks. I wish I were a bad ash girl with connections...who "knew people", and could track that awful woman down for you.
Isn't it horrible being good? I can't even call her anything truly nasty. ~sigh~
Praying for you. So glad it wasn't worse. So mad it happened at all.
Son of a.....
You are lucky it wasn't worse, but still....
I'm so sorry this happened to you.
Hasn't this happened to you before?
Did you get her plate # or at least a description?
I am glad to hear you were well enough to finish your route. You really were blessed!
Did she literally RUN off and leave her car?
EWBL I am so upset! I'm happy you are ok, but the Texan in me is rising up and ready to kick some serious a$$!
I am happy you could save your butt towel and I love "Lets Go To Bed" by The Cure. I shall have to use it on my blog this week.
"Thank God- you're home. You're safe. You're alive." (What movie?)
I am sooo sorry. That is absolutely miserable. Life is not fair, but sometimes it seems more not fair than others, and you've got more than your fair share in this round.
I'm SOOO sorry that happened to you! Life really isn't fair, and crummy stinkin' things sometimes happen to wonderful people. :(
On the other hand, what an incredible blessing it is that you weren't killed or paralyzed, and you got to go home to your Papi and mini-Infidels. I'm so happy you'll be all right! :)
Okay, the mom in me can't resist saying PLEASE WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT! We don't want to lose you! :O
That sucks!!! I would start driving around town looking for the lady that hit you...I hope you mend quickly. I'm glad to hear you weren't hurt too badly.
I feel like I've been hit by a freakin truck. And legitimately so.
I went to work this morning and now I'm sore from head to toe and can't move my neck. :( My officer friend flagged the demolished truck so that nobody can claim it from the impound lot or take the work tools out of it without being questioned by him first. He plans on charging the girl with a felony once they track her down. The truck owner has a local address, but they're waiting for him to come forward before they do anything.
When I was on the phone with 911, I told them that the other vehicle was a SMALL truck, but it wasn't. She was driving a humongous GMC Sierra, it only looked small because the entire front end was either gone or smashed up all the way back to the windshield. How this girl survived that kind of impact to be able to jump out and run away is simply amazing. Given the condition of her truck, I can't believe she wasn't killed or bloody at all.
Thanks for all your kind and loving offers of carrying forth vendettas. You guys are so sweet......
Newspaper carriers don't wear seatbelts on their route. But then, we don't usually get slammed by speeding trucks like that, either. My officer friend marked on his report that I WAS wearing my seatbelt, and he argued with the tow truck guy and lowered the tow cost from 150 down to 80. I'm very thankful he was there to work the scene and help me out.
b.- Well, Papi got sideswiped by a teen with a suspended license back at Thanksgiving. The teen got hauled away to jail, but the officer still gave Papi the ticket. We're still like, "WTF?" over that one.
Glad you are ok mama. Don't fret over the material posessions or money. Be glad you did not get seriously injured.
OH MY GOSH!!!! I am glad you didn't die, I hope that you are okay. Stupid in her stupid SUV, I bet she was drunk and that is why she took off. What a poo poodle.
good lord, whar t kinda stalker am I? I'm just now reading this cause on the weekend I have to limit my comp time.
Thank goodness you are in thick with the cops.
You gotta take care of that neck, now. I have a messed up neck situation and it aint a lotta fun.
take maximum dose of advil every four hours. ice it, take abreak, rub myoflex cream-available in the drug store near the ben gay- no smell. ice it, take a break, ice it, take a break. keep moving around so you don't get too stiff
repeat repeat.
That flocker will get caught and then there will be infidel wrath to deal with.
I'm so sorry this has happened.
Bloody hell Ewbl, I'm glad you were not seriously hurt, I'm not surprised that you are aching like hell today though.
I hope they catch the (multiple expletives deleted)and throw the book. Causing an accident then leaving the scene must man that something harsh is coming their way.
I hope you are feeling better soon. It could have been so much worse. Take care
Oh my gosh. That's one of my greatest fears. Getting into an accident with no medical insurance. I pray that everything is alright with your body. I do have 3 pain pills left over from my c-section you can have. (((Elastic))) Oh sorry, I just hugged you. ;)
a cheer up package is out in the mail box right now. should be there in a couple days. contains no narcotics- drat
Yikes! Does that not rattle you to the bone or what? You get a bonified Ma Oscarson "Bless its heart and poor baby". Maybe they will find her and you'll win a huge lawsuit and then you will all be rich and famous...remember us little shmoes when that happens.
PS What the heck are you doing blogging so soon after the accident? You should be on the couch with feet propped up while your entire brood fans you and feeds you peeled grapes...until your next shift, of course.
As much as this sucks (and I never say sucks)thank goodness you are okay and have your humor intact.
I am so into your playlist.
EWBL! I am so sorry! I hope that they track that girl down and make her liable for some of your costs.
Thank goodness you're in with the cops. LOL!
Oh, my. I checked out what a GMC Sierra looks like and all I can say is: somebody up there must like you.
For the love all things infidel! I am so sorry that happened to you! I will kick her trash if I ever find her!
What the crap?! This has happened in Houston to a few family members. -Hit and run-leaving the evidence like the bumper with the license plate! Glad you are "okay" since being "bruised up and down your body really isn't okay. What a great police friend!
I can't believe it! I stopped in to see how my favorite infidel is doing to find THIS! I am so sorry. That cowardly girl is unbelievable! Hope you heal up soon and get the help that you need. Prayers for you.
Oh Melissa, I'm so sorry. :( I hate for you to be in pain. If only you could come up here and pretend to be me, so you could see a doctor and make sure you're OK. But we'd probably both be thrown in jail and it would be just our luck, we wouldn't get to share a cell.
Um, that sounds a lot worse than I thought it would.
I'm so sorry this happened to you!
Very best wishes
Not sure about insurance in Texas but if it's the same as Florida, any medical claims are completely separate from health insurance. In other words even though you don't have "regular" health, any bills from an auto accident would be covered by your auto policy. And I think the coverage is 100% after your deductible.
You *really* should check with your agent and find out. It won't be too late to get treatment. Even if it's just a Dr. visit or worst case, a nice long wait at the local ER, you should get yourself checked over. Shouldn't cost you anything.
And consider: if you develop neck or leg problems a year from now, your auto insurance would most likely still cover those expenses. Future "regular" health insurance *might* cover future treatment, or they might call it a pre-existing condition and tell you Sorry.
Call the agent. Do it now.
HOLEY FRIJOLES! Girl, I'm glad it wasn't worse. Scary stuff.
Very glad the injuries weren't any more severe. Hang in there.
omg, Im glad your okay!
stupid woman anyhow, did she get charged w/ leaving the scene of an accident? I hope so!
RIP mr. ford who was almost paid off....
Oh Elastic, I'm so sorry that happened to you! I'm glad that you weren't injured horribly, but still, I'll bet you're in a lot of pain. I can't believe the nerve of that woman! Is there anyway to figure out who she was, so she can pay for her carelessness? :(
Okay, for the record, the picture I used is NOT the Infidel truck. I do have, or I did have an F-150, but it's dark red and wrecked beyond repair. The kids and I went to go clear my crap out of it this afternoon, and by the light of day it looks even worse than when it first happened. The bed of the truck was hit with such force that its smashed into the truck cabin. The frame is bent. And when I saw how the front seat collapsed onto the back seat, I'm ever more thanksful that none of my kids were behind me because I'm not sure they would have survived.(that's not a fart joke) I should have brought my camera.
RAJ- My personal medical covers 2,500. However, I don't have cash to pay upfront, and I don't know any doctors who will accept an Infidel I.O.U. And now the happy news that my truck is totalled and I doubt I'll make any money above the cost of paying it off. This means money for a deductible that we don't have, and money to buy another truck that we don't have.
Thanks for all your comments. I'm feeling really blah and beat down. It sucks to be the one responsible, minding my own business, working like a damn donkey to feed my family, paying my insurance, and in one moment, 'POOF!', I have to start all over again. Yeah, I know it could have been worse, blah, blah, blah, but its still depressing.
how sad. i am so sorry and very glad that you weren't injured too bad! that sucks about your truck being totalled. i'm sorry!
Carp I say, CARP!
Would some illegally-mailed-and-not-prescribed-to-you Vicodin help?
((EWL)) I'm so sorry.
I was thinking the truck didn't look as bad as you described, but I thought it was the angel. I know, I'm slow.
So sorry!!! for this. It does suck! I hope they find the person and you can get some money out of them because it sucks!!
When we lived in Erie, my husband was run off the road in a little Nissan Sentra-SER (that is important because it means it went fast) into some woods that happened to be in the backyard of my youngest's best friend. The truck hit him and sent him flying through trees and they kept going. We had a witness and still our insurance went up, we got very little money and had to pay the deductible, etc. His car was totaled, too. It all sucked. What I am trying to say is we've been there and I'm sorry. It's awful and it sucks!
So I am sending good thoughts your way and hope that it will get better!!!
I was run off the road once too while driving a Nissan Sentra... maybe they are invisible to other drivers.
Elastic- are you taking care of your neck?????? I left instructions above
I drive a Sentra and luckily, I have had no problems being hit. It's so old people are probably like "Why bother!"
Yes, Elastic, are you taking care of your neck? How are you feeling?
If you breakdown my comments, I really only have around 25 that aren't the same people. I've made like 11, you've made around 8-10, Millies made 10, B.'s made around 6, so it only looks like I have a lot of comments. It's all in your imagination. Which is fine. When you get in an accident the only thing you should be doing is using your imagination. Everyone loves you, don't worry. ((elastic))
Hem, hello Elastic. How are you? It's been a while, muhahaha.
It's just not fair you and Carrot getting so many comments.
What am I chopped Liver?
So what all I could think to blog about is cutting my girls hair...why doesn't that generate 45 comments?
Ok, I'm going to actually read your post now.
Ouch, sorry to hear that. I can relate, I was rear-ended by a dump truck. My babies were in the back seat and a big double stroller absorbed the impact, so they were not harmed. The glass did shatter on them, but thankfully they were ok.
I have a paid for, nicer van now because of it all.
oops, I was using the wrong PJ!
I deserve all the comments for my pain and suffering.
My first car was a gray Geo Metro. Not a day went by that someone didn't try to cut over on top of me into my lane. I think it blended in with the pavement because it was little and cement colored.
Keep mentioning the transfer and shipping of narcotics ladies, and we'll get to see how much fun the DEA agents will think my blog is. I got a spam today for "REMEDY FOR A DIRT-ENCRUSTED LOVER" I didn't know there was a cure for that other than a nice little rendezvous in the tub with Mr. Bubbles.
My camera hasn't gotten connected since Papi transformed our living room into a computer lab last week. I wish I could've snapped some pictures of the last time I'll ever get to see my Infidel truck.
I'm so glad you're okay.. I wonder what on earht was wrong with that person.. Do they know who she is?? When will they go and arrest her sorry behind?
How awful. Hugs for you.
Are they looking for that girl? Surely you can sue her once you find her.
By the way, I gave you an award. Not much comfort I know, but I'm glad you're still around to make us all laugh.
Are you getting any rest? Are you taking care of your neck like Jean Knee said? How's it going with getting a replacement car? What's the latest on hit-and-run chick?
Holy crap! I leave for a few days and you're totaled? Well, at least your truck is. How SCARY and I can't believe she took off. I would have chased after her. Oh wait. I already did that once.
A stupid lady wanted to get in the left turning lane but had already passed the merge so stopped in her tracks and put her signal on. We barely stopped in time but the poor kid behind us didn't and munched into my husband's Liberty.
Said Stupid Woman was oblivious to causing the accident and proceeded to get into the turning lane. Well, this Canuck would have NONE of that so I chased after her car, screaming that she caused an accident. It freaked her out; not the accident but the crazed canuck at the scene.
THanks for taking me down memory lane, even the bad ones. :-) And I'm glad you seem to be OK!
I need to get on your time line!
I'm feeling a little bit better. Thanks you guys. If I wouldn't have had the cockels of my heart surgically removed, you guys would be touching them right now.
Well, I was feeling a little bit better until Amber made me question how I spelled 'totalled/totaled.' It passed spell check, I think, but now my OCD is forcing me to go check in an online dictionary, just in case. Amber, did you give that runaway lady the smack down? Did you pull her hair? Or did you hand her a Crazy Bloggin Canuck card?
An award? For moi? I'll be over in a bit, anna. Thanks!
So far, they have an address for the owner, but nothings been done about it yet. The insurance guy assured me that Harris County takes uninsured/hit and run motorists very seriously, and they prosecute to the full extent of the law. It just may take awhile. I'm the owner of a new truck already. More on that to come.
Oh, it could've been, should've been worse than you would ever know.
Well, the windshield was broken but I love the fresh air y'know.
(The dashboard melted but we still have the radio)
Oh dude that totally sucks :(
I;m glad you are ok (bumpy but ok).
Don't they shoot hit-and-runners in Texas? I'm glad they found her. Take care.
My life altering accident was in a Sentra. Maybe it's the car...hhmmm.
ANYWAY, I hope you're doing okay 'lastic. Can you go get a massage?
A new truck oughta fix all the hurts! Sweeeeet!
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