The Residual Effects Of Your Dog Reading The Children's Classic, Ferdinand The Bull
Here at the Smiling Infidel homestead, we're raising a kinder, gentler type of beast. Look at our usually ferocious Chocolate Labrador, Reagan, as he takes time out of his busy butt-licking schedule to stop and sniff the flowers. Oh, alright, he's really sniffing flowery weeds because we have a fat and lazy white gringa gardener named elasticwaistbandlady who sat around blogging this Spring instead of spreading the weed killer granules like she was supposed to. I wish I could fire her. It's so very nice to see Reagan expanding his smell palette outside of our crotches to include delicate floral scents too.
Ok- Don't think I have ever been first before! Yeah! Go me! It's a sign that I will have a fantastic week! right??
Would you like me send over my lawn boy, David?? He does excellent work!
I have a little dog, therefore he can't sniff crotch, except on Luke.
Not included.
Your dogs got a sweet ride. Are you trying to tell me you want me to hold you?
You know, Taj picked me some "flowers" that look suspiciously the same as your "weeds." Who's right? He swore to me they were flowers.
How hormonal am I that the only word in that whole post I really focused on is "chocolate"?
Love your dog! We used to have a yellow and a chocolate lab... sigh... even with all the crotch sniffin, I miss those two.
I'm enjoying the green paint on your fence ;) It makes me sooo homesick.
Juast rmeember that weeds are simply out of place flowers. Anyone who thinks where they are is the right place has no weeds!
Gorgeous! I bet he doesn't eat Hermit crabs or lizards! Why can't I get the eco system balanced around here too?
[p.s. I have an extra posting on my 'alien' site that might give animals lovers another reason to hate me]
Cheery bye
awww Reagan is handsome!
I like weeds...
well maybe you SHOULD fire your gringa gardener. tell her that we need her in the blogworld. we crave her elastic-y goodness to cheer us up every single day. weeeds come and weeds go, but elastic is here to stay.
I love your dog!
Tell your gardener to stop slacking around! haha jk
I knew there was something weird about you and papi. Yall both love weed. This explains sooo much. Cute dog. I love dogs.
ahhh, you should have named your dog Ferdinand.
YOU CRACK ME UP!!! Thanks for making my day once again! Hey, we made our son start mowing the lawn when he was only nine, and now, after three years of it, he's getting pretty darn good at it! So I don't have to be out in the Arizona heat, bahahaha! >:)
hey dosen't lawn care run in your children's does in mine, and thats why i was mowing lawns when i was like six. no joke. that 'ol mexican dad of mine thought just cuz he picked peaches AND drove himself to Cali when he was like 14, he could make us do anything.
For a moment there I thought your dog had no eyes. Silly me!
Maybe you can get Al Gore's son to take care of the weed. I'm sure he'll be delighted.
I'm often glad I can't fire myself because I would have been canned a long time ago! LOL! :D
Maybe you should teach the dog to mow the lawn too.
I think Reagan should be hired....
Oh, help me Rhonda.
"expanding his smell pallette" yep I enjoyed that whole last section...Just thought you should know.
Give him a nice surprise sometime. Have one of those handshake puzzers near your crotch so he can get a real charge- it might even cure him
Reagan is a dog of many talents. He sorts out the dirtiest of the laundry by nosing through the pile and grabbing it so he can run off and sniff it in private. That way I always know which items to soak the longest. I dance for Reagan and I sing too. He often howls with appreciation. His favorite? Paul McCartney's 'Silly Love Songs.' It drives him CRAZY!
Do you guys think I'm a bad blogger friend for not commenting on each comment made here? You know that I love you all, right? I try to show my love by reading and commenting on your blogs and sometimes there's just not enough time in my very exciting Infidel life to do all that I want to do.
By the way anonymous aka Dick Payne- I'm not just Ms. RT 44 any longer. Oh no! I got me a big fancy promotion. Donato flew the coop and I'm now Ms. RT 44 and RT 45. Pulling down the big bucks. Yes, I am! Donata went to make being a masseuse his full time career. Be honest with me, he was gay wasn't he? The tank tops and booty shorts set off what little alarm bells I do have.
It's Reagan! I had not seem in in a while. Hi Reagan.
I tell my husband that the Mexian maid is the worst one we have had, I wish I could fire her, but she's all I can afford.
Looks like Gringa gardeners are not any better.
"Do you guys think I'm a bad blogger friend for not commenting on each comment made here?"
Not one bit :D And as a matter of fact, you may ignore AND delete this comment.
"Busy butt-licking schedule" should be designated Phrase Of The Week.
Does he have a butt-licking planner, a special version of the venerable Daytimer? Like, a B-L Timer aka B-L-T?
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