Yeah, motion-activated mad scientists and howling skeletons would definitely deter most young Milk Dud addicts from plundering into the sweet stuff. This is no coincidence. The ingenious ploy engineered to prevent people from pilfering the treats and leaving empty wrappers behind as a trick is rooted in the scarecrow technology that farmers have used for centuries to keep their corn crops safe. We nail crucifixes up above the door to keep vampires away, right? [Well, we'd probably make an exception for the vampiric but delicious Edward Cullen.] I intimidate Papi with my astoundingly whiffy gastronomic arsenal that I always have at the ready to keep him firmly ensconced on his own side of the bed. So why shouldn't shopping centers keep a talisman of sorts to ward off candy-taking evil spirits too?
Do you need a candy protector for your Halloween harvest this year? I hear the Boogeyman is available and he's slashing em deep.........slashing his prices deep, that is!
My grandpa passed away this weekend after a long illness. I won't be around too much until the end of the week because I'm going to have to double up my work schedule to make time for the funeral and such. I'll try to continue posting something Halloweenie until the big day.
Coming up:
The Chihuahua Face Haunting
A Scary Houston Halloween Decoration Tour
A Neighborhood Falling Into Ron Paul For President Zombie Mode
and so much more......
Wow! Sorry to hear that! I will be thinking of you!
I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa Elastic!! :(
I could use something that starts singing "Baby Got Back" everytime I reach for candy...
Sorry about your grandpa.
Your stores are so fancy with the halloween decorations. And what a description, "astoundingly whiffy gastonomic arsenal"!!!
I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa Elastic.
There is a creepy butler at my local grocery store and I can honestly say that is why we have no candy. He's a freaky dude!
That creepy butler looks just like my father in law and we remind him this time of year that he was so freaky looking my now-4 year old daughter would scream if she got too close to him at the local Fred Meyer.
So sorry to hear about your loss, and the way we aren't allowed much mourning time in our society.
I'm really sorry to hear about your grandfather EWBL
We are Halloween lightweights here. not even a scary spider guarding the goodies at the local supermarkt!
:( Sorry about your Grandpa Elastic ((Squeezy hugs))
How did you ever get all these pics without being escorted out the store and having your camera confiscated?
And don’t think I didn’t see that Edward reference!
I'm so very sorry to hear about your Grandpa.
I ♥ creepy motion-activated Halloween things...LOVE them, I say...especially the big creepy butler at my favorite grocery store!
I could enjoy finding a delicious Edward Cullen in my Halloween candy stash...
That picture on the left looks like a mini me only taller than me!
I'm sorry to hear he passed away. :( Hugs for you and Grandma.
We nail crucifixes up above the door to keep vampires away, right?
That's why I have a miniature beheaded vampire above my door. You know how we feel about crucifixes.
I'm crazy pickle face man.
I've got a pickle on my face!
Isn't that crazy?
Now gimme some candy!
Last year we were out for halloween and put a bowl of candy out with a sign saying "take jut 2 or Agrajag will haunt you"...and they did. There was still some left when we got home.
So sorry about your Grandpa.
Edward **swoon** good thing they run all Hallothanksmas into one big celebration then I can for a certain something for Christmas...
Oh wait that scary Butler really did hit me over the head hard when I reached for that misplace bag of milk duds.
Sorry to hear about the passing.
Proofread much?
...then I can ask for a certain something...
I'm sorry to hear he passed away. :( Hugs for you and Grandma.
We nail crucifixes up above the door to keep vampires away, right?
That's why I have a miniature beheaded vampire above my door. You know how we feel about crucifixes.
The more I think about it, "motion-activated mad scientists " *would* be better than candy.
I have an award for you! :)
Sorry to hear about your Grandpa (((hugs)))
Annie is stealing comments again. Bad Annie.
If you don't want kids to grab at candy, just do what my grandma used to do, lick it while they watch then stuff it back in the package. ya don't even have to tell 'em no
she didn't really do that but it made a good story
Hey, the cat is back! Every time I see this ad, I think of Elastic. :)
Hope you are doing well.
Ha ha! That is HILARIOUS! That guy...wit the gloves...and his face! CLASSIC! All that candy...and the monitor...ooh creepy!
Im sorry you had a loss of a grandparent. I hope you are doing well and that you are okay.
On the happy note my little one LOVES her haunting stuff. Her favorite thing is the bowl with the hand that comes down when you put your hand in it. She loves it seriously its so cute.
Elastic, I'm so sorry about your Grandpa! I hope everything goes well for you this week.
As for your post, it reminds me of an AFV where a guy dressed up as a statue and sat on the porch with a bowl of candy. The goal? Scare the crap out of everyone who tried to grab some. The problem was he ended up getting a left hook.....
I'm sad you lost your Grandpa, Elastic! We will miss you!
O.k., I have to admit that I totally LOL when my boys walk by one of those motion activated figures. They scream and it makes me chuckle. Is that wrong??? :)
Work click...
Um. Annie copied my comment.
Shouldn't this song be Evil Kitties of London? Werevolves ain't got nuthin on Evil Kitty.
Hey Geosomin just remember that Evil Kitty was the first kitty here and we will get along just fine.
Sorry to hear about your grandpa, elastic.
Elastic - sorry to hear about your grandpa....
Thanks for all the condolences!!! It was a sad event but hardly unexpected. The doctor gave him a month to live two weeks ago and he had two major illnesses fighting aginst him within his body. Some things are just inevitable.
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