Wordless Wednesday Edition: "Well, At Least They're Honest About Where The Taco Meat Comes From."
Dumass Taco holds a special place in our tiny little Infidel hearts. I thought regulars to this here blog would enjoy a photographic update of the newly painted window action happening down at Dumass Taco and to let you all know that they found themselves featured on The Jay Leno Show, Monday, March 12. Awwww, look, they even included the cute four-legged Dumass mascot. For more information and gratuitous pictures of Dumass, Dumass Tacos, and even Mr. Dumass himself, please see these links.Infidels vs. Dumass 2007Meanwhile, At The Dumass Grand Opening
That is brilliant :-)
Bwahahahah. You are absolutely insane, and I love it. You must laugh at stuff all day long!
Oh I've got tears. Very funny - happy Wednesday.
Was that apostrophe there before? I liked it without it.
That's embarrassing for the owner, for humorous nevertheless.
Ah I will have to take a pic of Top Chicken Ribs And Pizza in Romford!
Great name Ewbl!
When people get really excited about things that should embarrass them (like not realizing what a sign really says in the language most often spoken in said country), I wonder if I should bemoan the decline of American intellect or herald the positive attitude of the person.
I cannot believe someone would actually name their restaurant that!
Oh my!
Very funny
I'm more amazed by the fact they serve breakfast. Eww.
And the donkey mascot leads me to believe the name choice was intentional. For their sake, I do hope it was.
Much giggling over here either way.
Crazy! LOL
Is it Wednesday? I swear it's Tuesday in Pearland!
It almost looks like they are implying that their customers are jackasses!
ROTFL!!! I love it and what a great marketing idea. Happy WW!
Lisa - Lil' Duck Duck
and I thought I was done ROFLOL from Comedy+..not..doing th same here ROFLMAO..fuuunnnyyy
LOL!!! That is great!
He gets his meat from the Darwin Awards List?
LOL!!! Great! Happy WW! :-)
It gives me indigestion just looking at the picture!
Um, I, um, yeah....
You never let us down!
I'd give anything for a Dumass taco! Do they also have Dumass burritos?? Burritos are my fav. I'd like to have one or four with a Dumass diet coke.
It'd be safe to say you have done as much (or more) for advertising that place as Jay Leno did. And you did it first! Compensation! Free tacos for the infidels!
I suppose there really is no such thing as bad publicity!
Dumass Taco - Serving you reprocessed meat in a hard crispy shell for 30 dumass years...
That's hysterical. Thanks for the laugh!
I'm glad to see this get more air time...I saw it on Leno and laughed out loud!
I am inspired, especially since that is the term of endearment my hubby and I sometimes refer to one another (Dumbass, not taco). Long story but on my parent's honeymoon, Dad was a freaky sleepwalker who liked to take down the blinds in the middle of the night. My dear, sweet newlywed mother abrasively shouted, "Get down from there, dumbass!"
Ahhh, the sweet words of love.
Oh, and can't help you on Haddie's cute outfit. I bought both pieces of clothing at two different used baby sales....
This seems to imply that the name of the restaurant was chosen for the donkey... however, it seems it's the owner that is the Dum-ass.
Good Wordless Wednesday post. Have a happy day!
another great Wednes picture!!!
another great Wednes picture!!!
LOl ... :D
Love it!
LOL I love your pictures.
Thanks for the laugh and sharing.
yes, the apostrophe has always been there. It was just designed not to light up. I have to conserve on energy you know.
Not at all! In fact I resemble that remark! LOL
Believe it! LOL
Not at all! I love my customers! So far they have had a great sense of humor. Right?
And when are you coming to see the Dumass himself? The first one (taco) for you is on the house. ;)
I guess we left you speechless? LOL
Yes, Dumass Burritos, Dumass Diet cokes, etc… Heck we even have a Grill Cheese sandwich that only costs $25.00. That is if, you can eat the whole thing. (fine print) …must be under the age of three and must eat/ finish entire sandwich for offer to be valid. ssshhhh!
Not yet but we’re working on it…
-the freelance cynic
no reprocessed meat here. Sorry maybe when we get bigger than Taco Bell. Not! LOL
-amazing gracie
yeah, my brother called me and told me. That was too cool! Tell you what’s cool is being able to sit here and respond to ALL of you wonderful and fun, fun people! Now that’s COOL!!! Thank you…
see reply #2 (Beaman) Thank you, thank you very much! Dumass has left the building. LOL
To all: THANK YOU!!! This has been terrific! I love each and every comment. It has been a real joy and have had a great deal of fun with the name and restaurant. I truly hope that each and everyone of you gets a chance to come in and try some really great Mexican food M M M… And don’t forget the bald guy, (that’s my brothers nick name but I’m using it for now. That is until my hair arrives in the mail from Acme Hair Company. Sorry bro!) I’d really like to meet some if not all of you. So if you are ever in the area, don’t forget to stop by, step on the Welcome sign and shout “is Mr. Dumass here?!!!” LOL! Make me proud…
Thanks again,
Cliff “Dumass”
PS. I almost failed to mention we now have T-shirts available S, M, L, XL
Oh my!
Happy WW!
Wow! And there you have it folks. My very first special guest star to The Smiling Infidel......Mr. Dumass, live, and in person! Well, presumably live, that is.
I have never so shamefully whored a business in all my life. Hope this entitles me to a free cup of queso or something.
Aw man, if I weren't so full I would totally drool over "home made tortillas and tamales".
Wait, I am drooling over the homemade tamales and tortillas!
Elastic: I was writing my comment, while YOU were writing yours...we are SOOOO COOOOL.
I wanted to say I was #37 at www.dumasstaco.com! I just keep getting cooler and cooler!
Amber- I'm a sucker for true romance. Your parents obviously have a forever kind of love for each other. Awwwwww. My Papi farted and held me under the covers.....on our wedding night. That's how I knew that I had made the right choice to spend an eternity with.
No Cool Story, my old friend......*sniff*....It's good to see you back again.....*sniff*.....I've been so sad since you've been gone, I've been making up lots of dorky songs..... Elastic is suffering in silence.....*WAAAHHHHHHHH!*
This message was not approved by the Simon And Garfunkel Lyric Protection Association.
Thank you for all of the publicity you have given me. Absolutely we can work some deal. Just call before you come to make sure I’m there. C-Ya and have a blessed day…
Is this for real? My verification word is analz. Too funny!
Yep! it is...
And sometimes I evev feel that way!LOL!!!
Mr. Dumass,
Are you going to franchis? We could use a great taco place here in Colorado. The Taco Hell in my town is so old and dirty. Just wondering.
I would love to franchis but I don't have a clue on how to go about it. If you know anyone with capital let me know at real@DumassTaco.com
Please note: I just built this email account, so it might not be available until tomorrow. Thanks...
Mr. Dumass, you need to expand to southern California, too. Put elastic in charge of that aspect, and then she'll have a good reason to visit us. ;-)
Today, Tomball Texas. Tomorrow, the world. Spreading the gospel of Dumass one city at a time!
I hope you all enjoyed the Q&A session with Mr. Dumass. I picked up a family feast for all my chillens Tuesday night and alerted him to my latest Dumass post. Here's the deal, yo. I first blogged about Dumass Taco around Christmas before they had even opened up yet. I started sweating profusely when I saw that a Houston law firm was googling Dumass and looking around my blog. I told Papi to hide the Nascar collectible drinking cups, because I didn't want them taken away to satisfy a judgment if we lost a lawsuit with Dumass Taco. Turns out that Mr. Dumass has another company, and the law firm is his biggest client. Whew! So, anyway, I lived to blog another day and didn't lose any money in a lawsuit. Which frees up more dinero for buying tacos. We're weekly visitors to Dumass now. We even know each other by name. He's Dumass. I'm Infidel.
I heard a funny line from a movie today, "I mean, my ass might be dumb....but I ain't no dumbass."
Can you name the movie?
The actor was Samuel L Jackson.
T shirts? I waqnt one!
b. funny!
Why don't you have a few comments? :) You deserve 'em!
You dumass... taco eater.
Hey guys, I changed my Dumass email address to
it just fits better I think...
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