Papi went looking for some White Snuggles......and he surely did get what he was seeking! Obviously, I trounced the competition who advertises that a golden brown whole wheat equates to wholesomeness. Well, I guess Papi didn't want something healthy for him. Ha! Oh, wait a minute......
Papi and I shared nothing in common except the same employer. So, when he continued persistently pestering me, the resident workplace heathen, to go to church with him, I thought he was full of.......

(Well, not really. But they don't sellcrap manure at the grocery store, now do they?)

(Well, not really. But they don't sell
And then, while only two months into our courtship, and many stomach lurching dates down at Pancho's Mexican Buffet, Papi proposed to me. Yeah, I know, that guy has some big......
Stop that! I can read your calculated little minds. You're putting together and computing short dating time along with a seemingly hasty marriage. Well, I most certainly was NOT ........

Papi and I enjoy a glittery fairytale ending, and it's definitely not a classic boy gets girl yawner like Cinderella And Prince Charming. Neither does comparisons to The Princess And The Pea. Aside from the fact that I do re-enact the story everytime I serve split pea soup for dinner. Our story isn't even relatable to Beauty And The Beast, althoughPapi often calls me a beast. No, ours is a happy union of a salty white cracker coupled with a spicy Mexican tortilla. I'm so very glad that Papi likes..........

I'm first!!! You are so clever, Elastic! You and Papi sound so cute and good for each other! Salty white crackers must just really go well with spicy tortillas! :D
That was hilariousness incarnate. Wow.
You. Rock.
And you know why.
Am groovin' to some new tunes now.
That was great! Wish I had thought of it!
I went out of town again, but didn't tell nobody so you would be safe sweet pea!
Woo hoo! Loved it! Did Papi love your new toes and hairless lip??
Yeah, I wanna hear how your newly smooth self was received!
Great story! Who knew that a mere walk down the grocery store aisle could bring back such fond memories!
Elastic, you are soo mushy. Did Papi blush when he read it?
Clever and sweet down deep, that's you girl.
I'm back, come visit
Too funny, as usual! Love the white crackers and the spicy tortillas. Very clever.
What a fantastically hilarious post! I love all the cool pictures:) What in the heck are snuggles?
Notice I left out the extra virgin olive oil?
elizabeth- Papi likes a natural woman....that includes hairy pits. yeah, I think he's got some French ancestry somewhere.
Raesha- They're one piece hot dog buns so they don't split open and drop weenies all over the place. We love them! I had an actual Snuggles photo from the store, but it got lost somewhere in the computer.
That was amazing! Hysterical! Beautiful! I'm completely speechless! I....
Elastic you did it again another hilarious and OH SO creative post. You make it look so easy.
Funny, in my case it's reversed I'm the spicy burrito (has to be a flour tortilla) and he's my little American hot dog (did I say little I meant HUGE)! :o)
We met while employed at Brown's Chicken and I was his boss...
"Nice and Cheesy" ::applause::
what? my comment too boring for you?
I'm hacking out my esophogeal lining here, ....I'll try again tomorrow
I thought juevo jueves! But you don't go around saying that in South America. (tee hee)
That was the best blog I have read lately! You are too cool!
*Sigh* I love a good love story, especially when it's served with food.
ah, so sweet. you and papi. true love.
::giggling uncontrollably like Beavis & Butthead::
I'm glad you didn't go down the dog food or prophylactic aisles.
Jumbo Buns eh?
Very sweet story!
Thanks for including pictures so I didn't get stuck on the big words.
I would love to wander around with you someday. You find humor in everything. Have fun in Colorado!
Ha ha ha! I LOVE it!
That post deserves an award!
You are one funny Infidel!
I'm still mystified by the snuggles even though I'm peering really close to the screen with my bifocals, but otherwise it all makes perfect sense.
Cracker and spicy tortillas in harmony? It just goes to show that we we are all flour based products under the skin!
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