If you've ever attended Primary in my church you can sing along with the bouncy little ditty joyfully teaching about preparing for the Sabbath and all the
crap important work that must be completed on Saturday so that we may rest on Sunday.
The mini-Infidels watch a very limited amount of T.V. each week so we all burst out laughing when 6-year old Boo-Boo began singing:
"Saturday is a special day
It's the time we watch our cartoons all day
We watch T.V. and we watch some more
And we won't stop watching til Mondaaaayyyy"
Lovely, no?
Boo-Boo was quite disappointed because we cut into his sacred Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle time and spent most of Saturday at our favorite haunt, Traders Village Flea Market!

We stopped here to look for some half-price azzes in the event that we ever actually LMAO like we say we do. Sadly, the pickings were mighty slim in the azz department. False Azz advertising. :(

Nothing shows a deep and abiding love for your soulmate like dragging home sleazy lingerie from the flea market. I couldn't resist the fuzzy blue ensemble in the middle. It seems perfectly perfect for a surprise Valentine's gift. See it? It's the one that looks like eyes and a mouth screaming out "NOOOOOOOOOO!" I love it! I sure hope it fits Papi because they said you can't exchange or return the merchandise.

These are the Infidels Of Discontent. I denied them the pleasure that only a flea market corndog experience can bring. The corndog stand is conveniently located next to the row of puppy peddlers. Coincidence?
Here we are terrorizing the fine folks at Half-Price Books. My daughter Sunbum likes Big Buds, and she cannot lie! She had her hands all over those Big Buds when no one was looking.

Buster does not like shopping unless it involves B.B. guns/Nerf guns/air guns or some sort of camouflage clothing. He's either wondering if it'll all be over soon or if he can make eye contact with passing spacecraft in hopes of rescue.

Melody is practicing her facial expressions just in case the
Face family ever adopts her. One must exercise and expand the elasticity of the jaw line before even attempting to replicate a patent Face Family picture moment.

Thinking about wrapping your baby up in plastic like a newly won goldfish from the county fair? What a fantastic idea! It even features air vents for "good circulation." I know, why not just put your kid inside a plastic grocery bag? That way they're more easily transportable and you won't even need that bulky stroller.

The official dusting apparatus of The Gay Pride movement. It's made from 100% percent authentic Rainbow Brite particles, beyotch.

This is what happens when you leave your trashy trucker cap next to your cowboy hat in a darkened closet.......they spawn monstrously ugly headwear.
If you build your cap out of straw the Big Bad Wolf is going to get you.

All Natural, Fat Free, and Mild.......that is
exactly how I like my Mexican!

And finally, for the pet with the most discriminate of tastes..........no, scratch that. For the pet with absolutely
ZERO taste buds, Dollar General presents their own line of processed pet food. Chunks&Bones is made completely from organic material donated to the company by people who didn't have the time to bury their victims. Coats'N'Tails calls itself a complete and balanced meal for your pet but they left out the Snips'N'Snails. Or maybe Coats'N'Tails is actually comprised of discarded tuxedos. Whatever the ingredients, Mmmmm, Mmmmm that's some good eatin!