My older children have developed a taste for sushi. My theory is that kids are naturally reluctant to trying new foods until they discover how expensive it is, then they suddenly acquire a taste for it. So, when I mentioned eating raw fish initially, their little noses turned up and they vehemently refused. They overheard me discussing how much it costs with my husband, Papi, and miraculously overnight they became little sushi aficionados.
So, anyway, while on our third trip to the grocery store in the same week, we saw the stand set up by the deli advertising fresh sushi made on the spot daily. When I saw the phenomenally low prices, my skin got all tingly, but then I started thinking about the fact that sushi made in a grocery store probably isn't very good.
Nobody was at the sushi making stand so I felt confident to laugh about it. I nudged my daughter, Sunbum, and commented in my ancient mystic Chinese accent, "Confucius say: He who eat grocery store sushi die long painful death of intestinal worms". We started laughing and slapping each other on the back. When I looked up, there he was looming over us, sample tray in hand, SUSHI MAN.
SUSHI MAN didn't seem amused but he tried to peddle some sushi to us anyway, which we politely declined. So, the next time we went to the store I looked around to make sure he wasn't there before I told Sunbum, "Fortune Cookie say: You live, long abundant life, if you no eat Kroger sushi". Like as if on cue, SUSHI MAN was standing behind us, smiling, and offering us a sushi sample.
I'm a slow learner.
Next trip I was joking with my other daughter, Monkey, and said "The sushi are adopting the Chik Fil A slogan, soon we'll see them with little signs that say, 'Eat More Chikn'". SUSHI MAN suddenly arose from behind the sushi stand. I guess he had been bending over. What are the odds? This guy reminds me of John Turturro in that Adam Sandler movie, Mr. Deeds, where he always shows up out of nowhere.
So, now when we go to the store I tell the kids to be on the lookout for my arch nemesis, SUSHI MAN! We have bought the sushi before and it's not too bad. Funny thing is, a Japanese lady that I've known for 15 years refuses to eat the Kroger sushi because as it turns out SUSHI MAN is Korean. Who knew the Asians were prejudiced like us? My friend says Koreans make inferior sushi. I know that this same lady eats at Chinese buffets though, where all the chefs are Mexican. How hypocritical is that?
I've gotta go, I'm craving a California Roll...........