Just understand that the memo lays out the stipulations mandating that all mommies over the age of 30 must select at least one favorite Lisa Loeb song and play it endlessly until even the dog can howl along in tune. The mandate includes the over-hyped, over-played..... matchbox 20, Dave Matthews, Jack Johnson, and Celine Dion too, but I found an exemption clause and jumped on it immediately. I like Lisa Loeb. I won't lie and say I'm a raving Lisa lunatic in need of a frontal LOEBotomy, but she's a decent entertainer.
So, 'Underdog' wins as the chosen Infidel Favorite Lisa Loeb Song. I adore the creepy Hello Kitty theme in this video and the fakey plastic perkiness all around. And the seemingly possessed Hello Kitty strumming the guitar in the background holds a cute 'je ne sais quoi' appeal to it. Us Infidels have oft quoted this song, repeating in a forceful manner, "Don't be thy enemy, and DON'T stand in back of me." You can't complain when you've been warned......